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It's been a few weeks since I saw Jeff. He didn't come back so I just thought that it was a hallucination. After all if I did really see him then he'd all over the news and people wouldn't be saying him and the rest of the creepypasta's aren't real.

But if it wasn't a hallucination then he could just be hiding the bodies, or whatever he does, to not get caught by the police. And if he was here then all the others could be too. I was happy but at the same time I was worried for my safety. 

I was watching tv at the moment and glancing at the window every few seconds. I was glancing at the window since my mom hasn't been home for a few days. The longest she's that this has ever happened is when she was gone for the whole day and didn't come back till the next night.

I calmed myself down thinking she's just been out with a guy. So after I calmed myself down I Just watched tv for the rest of the day. It was 9:00 pm when I heard talking outside. I quickly turned off the tv and ran to my room. 

I heard the voices coming closer to my room when they got inside the house. I covered my mouth to make my breathing not be so loud. I saw the door knob turn and saw him again. The man I thought I'd never see again.

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