Chapter 13- saving S

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Blair pov:

After the gossip girl blast I lost my queen title in the school. Everyone looked me like a slut. When I went to meet Nate he said he has nothing to do with me and left without even listening to what I have to tell. And when I went to chuck to congratulate him and tell I am stuck with him he said he doesn't need me anymore. How did I come to this place. I called my mother and said I wanted to do a semester in Paris and decided to take the jet. As I am about to get into the jet I saw Serena coming towards me and telling me she knew I could fight back and win my place back. After a long decision I decided to go home.

First two days after the news were horrible. Taylor again started to take my place. But I thought for my minions to come to know the truth once they see the Brooklyn girls true self. After a week of knowing Brooklyn girl better and with some help from Serena they left  Taylor and came back to us.


Serena pov:

I was getting weird gifts in school and home. So I complained to Bart and my mom about this. We started spending more time as their was nearing.when I came from school I saw Eric standing out.

"What happened Eric why are you so standing outside" I asked him.

"You have no idea right. Because of you chuck was thrown out of the house and he said me to give you this cover as he wanted to open it alone"

I got the cover and saw it was cocaine " see Eric this is why I don't want anywhere near him"

" But chuck is a good guy even though he is a playboy he always treated me like this own brother and recently we are spending more time. And he is not trying to spoil me " my brother replied with anger.

When I went up to the house I saw another letter and after opening i Came to know I accused chuck for something he hasn't done.

So I left the house and went to meet him in his suite. I gave him the letter and he instantly pulled me into a hug and let me stay in his suite. But it didn't last forever, the next day at school I saw the person standing in front of me.

Spotted in the courtyard: Serena, looking like she's seen a ghost. The ghost of party's past.( gossip girl voice over)

Georgina sparks was my ghost.she pulled me all the way to be the old self. I know chuck was irritating but he was the one who made sure I was in home and he made sure no one else to know what was going on.

After one week I could take it anymore so I went to meet Blair but I could tell her so when she left to get some medicine I left her house and went to drink all night.

Somehow she found me and called Nate and chuck. So when Blair left me in the elevator to see them they thought it's about their love triangle.

"You have got to be kidding me " chuck said

" I can't do this anymore " Nate followed.

"Guys it's about us help me" Blair said "help us" and she ran towards me.

The guys followed me and saw the state I was in so they picked me up and took me to Blair's room.

"So we have every hangover cure known to man, plus bagels.
they should help soak up the alcohol and whatever else she took." Chuck said

"thank you.Ill take it from here." Blair said to Nate and chuck.

As Blair was helping me to take a cold shower to help my hangover there boys were standing out.

", it's cold! it's cold! just like old times." I shouted from inside.

"you know, why do I get the feeling you're actually enjoying this?" Nate asked chuck

"call me sentimental.
ugh." Replied chuck

"I may not need those bagels after all." Blair said going out leaving me alone in the shower.

"what's going on with her? " Nate asked

"she was here last night, scared and when I was about to get her medicine she escaped and it took me till morning to find her and I called you guys right away " Blair was explaining them.

Dorota brought me some fresh clothes and after a cold shower I was feeling fine. I went out to see all of them are waiting down for me.

When they saw me approaching they made me sit out and asked what happened

"you don't have to hide anything from us." Nate broke the silence

"she's right, Serena.
I mean, none of us are saints.
yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo." Blair said to encourage me.

"several times." Chuck added.

"i had sex with you at a wedding while I was her date.
once." Spoke Nate once Again to tell he is no saint.

When chuck didn't tell anything Blair starred at chuck to tell something " I am chuck bass " he said

"you can tell us anything.
we don't judge.we're the non-judging breakfast club.
we're your best friends. anything you do is something we did, too." Blair gave me the final confidence to speak.

"if I tell you, it can never leave this all know Georgina sparks." I said finally

"some of us better than others.
it's not like you didn't lose your virginity to her in seventh grade." Blair reply was headed straight to chuck.

"sixth, actually, and Ive been avoiding her ever since.
the bitch is a psycho." Chuck replied to Blair

"what about her? " finally Nate decided to ask the right question.

"well, something happened the night of the shepherd wedding." I answered Nate question.

"i think we're all aware of what happened that night." Blair said

"no, something else, something Ive tried to escape, but Georgina won't let me.
and now she's blackmailing me."
I cleared the air.

"blackmailing you? with what exactly?" Chuck asked.

"After hooking up with Nate I felt terrible. So I went to Georgina and she was high on drugs and we're filming it for fun. She even called some guys to be with us. I was scared of what Georgina had become so I called Ostroff Center and admitted her. She not only became a drug addicted she wanted me too. So I decided to change my life.So after that I went to a hotel convinced my mom that boarding school is better and never turned back." It was good to finally let those words out.

"So that's why there was no goodbye. I understand now S, but you could have told us long back" Blair said.

"Don't worry s. We will do something for this" Blair reassured.

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