chapter 4-Secret meeting

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Nate pov:

As I was spending time with Blair in her room during the party I didn't have time to read gossip girl about Serena. The moment I saw her all the memories came back to be. She just said a hi and left the party in a hurry. But my heart was keep on saying to follow her and talk. So I decided to ask her mother where they are living so I could talk to her person without Blair. If Blair found out my secret it will be a big problem.

So after the first day of school I decided to meet Serena at her hotel.

"Hey" Serena said when she saw me.

Hmm hey, your mom said you are staying here so I thought I would come and meet you.

"I am good Nate. There is nothing to worry and I promised to have dinner with Eric so I have to go" was her reply. It was so good to hear her voice after one year.

"Serena" I called her again

"No no Nate I didn't come back for you. Look Blair is my best friend and you are in a relationship for a long time and she loves you. I just want things to go back as they were. It is too much to ask " with that she left me standing outside the hotel.

"Hey Nathaniel, isn't it nice to have Serena back ,after all it was boring without her and doesn't she looks so hot." Chuck spoke to me when we were in bus.

"I have no idea man but she is going to be your step sister. You are deeply disturbed man."

"And yet you know I am right.  You are telling me if you had the chance" came his typical reply.

"I have a girlfriend " I replied more to me than to him.

"You guys have been dating since kindergarten and you haven't sealed the deal" he replied laughing.

"Who say 'seal the deal'?" I laughed back at him.

"Talk me to Nate. What's going on between you and Blair. Is there any problem ??" His voice was concerned

"There is no problem. It's just... do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? That we are just gonna.. end up like our parents. You know aren't we entitled to choose.. just to be happy " Was my honest reply.

"Look, easy Socrates. What we're entitled to is a trust fund. Maybe a house in the Hamptons. A prescription drug problem. But happiness does not seem to be on the menu. So seal the deal with Blair. 'Cause you're also entitled to tap that ass" was his answer. This is one of my reasons why chuck is my best friend he always live without any care and enjoy his life.

Even though chuck words were encouraging I wasn't sure about my feelings and when it's tough Serena is not ready to discuss about us. So when Blair said she has a party on Friday Which is the first party of this year I decided to spend that time in meeting Serena and clearing things up. So I went again to her hotel looking for her and she was clearing avoiding me from our last talk. But this time it was different she rushed to me as soon as she saw me.

"Did you know where Eric is ? I couldn't fine him in home and he didn't tell me where he went??" She asked me with panic in her voice.

"No I have no idea but I can call chuck and see if he is at Blair's party"

I tried calling chuck and when he didn't attend I tried calling Blair but no one answered my call.

"How about let's search for Eric in the neighbourhood " I suggest Serena and we got in the cab to search for his favourite spots.

When we are on the way to his 4th favourite spot we found our phone pining a blast from gossip girl about Taylor. So we reached to Blair's party. I know Blair will be angry if she saw Serena with me but I am also disappointed in her as she has some involvement in humiliating Blair. So I didn't bother to speak to her.

"Where is Taylor and Eric " we both asked as the same time.

"Taylor ran upstairs and I have no idea where Eric is" she replied.

So when we went up I saw chuck trying to kiss Taylor. Even though chuck is my best friend I couldn't allow him to kiss any girl when she is not interested. So I punched Nate and gave my jacket to Taylor. I know chuck will hate me for punching him but he will forgive me.

"You better stay away from her chuck " Serena shouted.

Has our bad girl really gone good? Or is it all just part of the act ? ( gossip girl voice over )

We went down and found Eric. With that we left the party without telling Blair. As we were on the way to hotel our phones pinged again. Can't this day be any better another gossip girl blast. I have to deal with Blair tomorrow.

Chuck pov:

I like Blair when she is upto to take down anyone or destroy. She is the best in the whole New York and when we both join together there is no one stopping us. May be that's the reason I had never laid a hand on her nor tried to kiss her . I may irritate her sometimes because she is cute when she is angry. Even though she acts as if he hates she cares about me, like me making sure I get home safely and not do something stupid.



    Gossip girl is a website run by a student. No one knows the gossip girl identity. Anyone can send information to the website and the person behind the website post what is necessary and true.

It is a fanfic. I love many scenes in this movie and of course half of the chuck bass dialogues are my favourite. It's my version of gossip girl but I could leave out my favourite and iconic scenes in the series. So bare with me. I guess you like this side of the story too. Sorry dan and Jenny fans I am not including Humphrey family at all in my story.

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