"By the way, I've noticed the wedding ring but I forgot to ask you when you got married."

"Just recently."

"Aha! No wonder you're still lovey-dovey with each other. For me, I've been with my wife for almost 8 years now. I still love her, of course, but it's just not as ... magical as it was in the beginning."

"Oh ..."

"Anyways, I need you to focus on the presentation, later on. Don't let me down."

"No, sir, I won't."


"Mr. Suthilak, you have a visitor." the secretary announces. Kongpob and Achara look at one another.

"Who could it be? Did we have any more appointments today?"

"Not that I know of."

"Let them in, please."

Kong is surprised to see Tew walk into their office, a few seconds later. The young man looks downright terrible, there is no other way to put it.

"Sorry to bother you, but ... I ..." Tew begins, voice shaky.

"Achara, could you be so kind as to take these papers to my father and have him sign them?"

"Sure, Kongpob."

Once she leaves, Kong walks over to his former classmate and crouches in front of him. From up close, it's even easier to see his friend's hollow cheeks and the dark circles under his eyes.

"Ai'Tew, I am so sorry you have to go through all this just because you're in love with another man. I wish there was something I could do, but ... I don't know what ... except lend you a shoulder to cry on or listen to whatever you feel comfortable sharing with me."

"Thanks, Ai'Kong. That's more than enough. I managed to talk to Dae on the phone, the other day. He said his father's condition is stable and the results of the latest tests are promising."

"That's great news."

"Yes. I would never forgive myself if anything worse would happen to Khun Danai because of me. So, we ... decided that ..." Tew pauses to bite back tears. "Dae and I decided to break up for good. He even asked me to erase his phone number."

"You know how I never gave up on P'Arthit, no matter what happened to us, and I wish I could encourage you to do the same now. But ..."

"It's different for you and P'Arthit, you guys were meant to be. Dae and I, maybe it's just not our destiny to be together."

"Know you'll always have a friend in me. I'll be here for you whenever you need me."

"Thanks a lot, Kong."


"Ai'Arthit, wanna go out and celebrate our victory?" Tod offers, as the staff from the Purchasing Dept. is getting ready to leave work.

Arthit, who's just finished sending his junior a message, letting him know he'll be home soon, looks up at his co-worker and smiles awkwardly.

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