What happened next?

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3rd person POV:

Malina, Avi, and Kitana surprised them at Dylans house the next morning and immediately freaked out at the sight of the ring, sitting the couple down and making them tell and re-tell the story of that evening over and over with every detail. The two had no complaints to reviewing the evening, as neither had ever been happier. They were sitting, Y/N leaning on Dylan's chest and they just couldn't stop smiling.

Y/N's family had decided to join her in Vancouver, buying a house there. Dylan and Y/N became inseparable, attached at the hip. They did practically everything together. Y/N became a bit of a bigger star with a couple other leads in movies and shows. Y/N and her siblings also became much closer, she and Milo argued much less, she, her sister and Louis became even closer which was surprisingly possible.

Years later they both Y/N and Dylan had become huge stars, but stuck together non the less, always being there as back up, and not only lovers but best friends as well. They traveled around the world for different roles and interviews together, sometimes for the same film and sometimes for different ones. She and Louis were often in contact, sometimes with Lara or Milo as well.

Once they were in their 20's they bought a house together in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, and got engaged. 

One year later they were married and Y/N Hynes became Y/N Kingwell. They got a black lab named 'Padfoot', and a cat named 'Amber'.

The rest is up to you. ;)

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