Goodbye... for now.

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up unusually comfy. I squinted through my eyelashes to see Louis right up next to my face, looking at me.

    "Good morning?" I yawned closing my eye's again. Louis and somebody else chuckled.

    "Try evening" Louis said, and everything came rushing back. I sat straight up, finding that my pillow had been Dylan's lap. My face tuned bright red.

       "S-sorry" I said, looking down in embarrassment. Louis was laughing in the background, and Dylan chuckled. 'Way to go self' I thought, internally kicking myself. 'of all the people'

         "It's fine" He replied lightly. I looked up at his friendly smile, and found myself smiling back.

       "Err... Anyway, it's getting late Y/N, we need to go home" Louis informed me. The movie had ended, and I stood up and stretched. My hood had fallen off. 'Great, this hair was going to be fun to deal with. We walked to the door, Dylan following us, and his mum already there to see us off. 

       "Thank you so much for having us" I said as I got my shoes on, smiling at them both.

       "Yes thank you" said Louis from behind me. I stood up strait, looking Dylan in the eye.

       "It was nice meeting you" I said. He smiled and I smiled back.

       "You too" We stood there, smiling at each other, until Louis cleared his throat.

     "And now we really need to go, thank you, again" He said, then he opened the door, I waved and whispered 

     "Goodbye, for now" before following my brother out of the house. We loaded into the car and started the ride home.

 Dylan's POV: 

      "She seems like a nice girl" Mum said next to me after the door closed. My cheeks tinted pink for a moment.

     "Yeah" I said, the smiled widely "Yeah she is" before turning and going to my room. 

Y/N's POV:

We arrived home. The trip had been silent, and seemed longer. I knew Louis had been watching me out of the corner of his eye the entire ride home, smiling. I had been smiling too, thinking of the time at his house, but the fact that I had embarrassed myself so badly kept eating me up inside. When we got home we were greeted by a blank faced Milo.

      "I didn't realize you'd be gone so long" He said, no expression. 

      "Yeah, well" I said, still smiling dumbly. Then I passed him quickly and ran up to my room.

       "Going back to sleep already? You just woke up!" Louis called from behind me, but I ignored him. I got to my room, throwing off my hoodie, and locking the door behind me, then dove under my bed, pulling out a box. I opened the lid to reveal a small blade. Blood splattered on the floor as I cut my arm a few times. 

     "Stupid, stupid" I muttered shakily. 'I can't do this again, remember what it was like last time you had feelings!?' I thought. A sat  there trembling for a moment after dropping the blade, tears trickling down my face. Soon, I got the.towel from the box, cleaning the blade off, then wiping the floor as well. I put the blade and towel back in the box, closing it and shoving it back under the bed. I quickly made it to the bathroom, where I rinsed my arms off, washing off the blood. After I made sure there was no remains of the blood, I snuck back to my room, where I got dressed in my favorite PJ's. (Choose one):

 (Choose one):

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After getting changed into the (Insert PJ's here), I turned off the lights, and crawled under the blankets, holding my arm under my body as I fell asleep.

Louis' POV:

Y/N disappeared to her room immediately. I sighed, how could she still be tired, she looked pretty comfy on Dylan. I smiled at the memory of it. Dylan didn't seem bothered by it. 

         "What?" Milo snapped from next to me.


          "Why are you smiling like that?" he seemed annoyed.

         "they really hit it off" I said simply, smiling even wider. Now I knew for sure that they would be just fine on set. I'd never seen Y/N so calm with a new person.


Thank you for reading this far!! I hope you enjoy the rest of this story as well!

(I'm assuming you like this story if you've read this far, if you don't like the story, then I'm sorry) Sorry this chapter was so short.  


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