A Promise

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(Your outfit)

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(Your outfit)

Y/N's POV:

It had been a couple weeks since meeting that fan, and Dylan had been treating me as if I was some princess or something. Right there next to me if he wasn't at school, doing everything for me. I loved him, and I knew it, but I wasn't a child. He was now dragging me into the woods. The sun was low, but it was still afternoon. He had given me a blindfold and now I was trusting him to lead me. I felt the sun flicker on my face as we passed under trees.

"Umm... why am I trusting you to lead me through a trail where I could trip over anything due to the fact that I can't see" I said, nearly tripping over what felt like a stick just as I said it.

"Because you love me" Dylan replied, keeping a grip on me so I wouldn't fall. After a couple minuets of walking on ground that didn't even feel like the trail, Dylan stopped.

"Take off the blindfold" He instructed quietly. I slipped the blindfold off, blinking in the bright light, of the sunset right infant of me. When my eyes focused though, I gasped. It was a picnic, like the ones laid out in fairytales. He grabbed my hand gently pulling me towards the blanket. I sat down, tucking my legs under me. He brought out some of my favourite foods, and my favourite pop (soda, coke, whichever you say), pouring it into fancy wine glasses. I giggled, taking it from him. I looked around, realizing we were in that clearing we had found a couple weeks ago. I couldn't stop grinning, and neither could Dylan. He put a bluetooth speaker out, then scrolled through until he found the song he wanted, clicking on it. My eyes widened in recognition.

"This one's for the lonely, the one's that seek and find" My soprano voice seemed to float through the trees

"Only to be let down, time after time" Dylan took over.

"This one's for the torn down, the experts at the fall" I sang.

"Come on friends, get up now, you're not alone at all" He sang back.

"Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh" We sang in harmony, both grinning widely

"And this part was for her, and this part was for her, This part was for her, does she remember?" Dylan sang.

"It comes and goes in waves" We sang together, making I contact

"This one's for the faithless, The ones that are surprised, They're only where they are now, Regardless of their fight" I sang back. It kept going on like this for the rest of the song until the end of the song.

"Do you remember?" Dylan asked as the song finished.

"Very first time I met you" I mumbled, and he nodded.

"We joked that we had practiced that song without anyone knowing" He said quietly. I giggled.

"The best day of my life, except for all the ones I spent with you after that" I said. He laughed then passed me some food as we dug in, there was a playlist playing softly of songs from times we spent together, including Counting Stars, Stargazing, A Thousand Years, Trust Fund Baby, and If We Have Each other.

"So many of these are from even before we started filming" I said quietly He nodded "how'd you remember them?"

"I've told you before, I remember every moment shared with you" he shrugged, but my cheeks went pink. The sun had completely set at this point and the stars were out.

"I can still harmonize to make anyone sound good though, can't I" I said, referring to their conversation on the first day of meeting. 

"That you can" Dylan replied with an easy grin "But you can do so much more than that" I looked at him surprised, he gently grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet next to him. "Y/N, you are so amazing, talented, and for the last couple months, I have watched you grow, change, and adapt, you're such an amazing person, and to get to know you and your story, act along side you, go through so much with you, though we've only been together for a couple months we've grown so much together and I just can't imagine life without you anymore. You're so amazing and talented and gorgeous and I'm in love with you" He paused for a moment "I'm, in love with you, I'm in. love with you and I'm not afraid to say it, Y/N, I need you in my life, beside me through good and bad, any adventure, anything I just need you with me" He pulled out a ring with our initials engraved in it. My hands flew to my mouth and I felt tears form in my eyes. He glanced from it to me and I knew what he was asking. "Would you accept this promise ring?" He whispered. I could barley nod, but I managed it, a tear leaking from the corner of my eye. Happy tears, for once I was crying happy tears. I let Dylan take one of my hands from my mouth and slip the ring on my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in even more. When we pulled away, I stared into his eyes.

"I'm in love with you , and that doesn't even begin to explain how I feel about you, I love you so damn much Dylan, you've got no idea" I whispered, tears still leaking from my eyes. I'd never seen him happier, and he pulled me in again.


Sorry for the shorter-that-usual chapter, but I hope you guys liked it. Don't worry, this story's not over yet...


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