The stay at the hospital

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Harsh language in this chapter, this is your only warning, enjoy

Y/N's POV:

I woke up to see white. Looking around I realized I was in a hospital.

"You're awake!" Someone cried from next to me. I was quickly wrapped in a hug.

"Oww" I groaned in pain.

"Oh, sorry" the people backed away. It was Lara and Louis. I looked at myself, seeing a lot of stitches. I reached up and felt some on my face.

"Tanner! That- grr" I growled in frustration as my siblings watched me concerned.

"Tanner did this?" Lara asked meekly, I nodded "that turd! I'll kill him" She snarled.

"Yeah yeah, anyway, how long have I been here?" I asked

"Since two evenings ago when some sir found you" Louis spoke up. I nodded.

"Ok, mum and dad?" 

"They just left" Lara told me. I sighed lying back down.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have sent you out" Lara whispered.

"You didn't know!" I exclaimed.

"You need to rest" Louis interrupted. We said our goodbyes as they were shooed out the door  by a nurse. I lied back down sighing.

Dylan's POV:

Louis had called. Y/N had been found beaten up, cut up, and was now in hospital covered in stitches. I couldn't calm down, so I just paced around my room. My phone buzzed, it was Y/N.

Y/N: You awake?

Dylan: Yeah, you ok?

Y/N: not really, Tanner's an ass

Dylan: Tanner did it to you?

Y/N: Yeah.... wait... how'd you know

Dylan: Louis told me everything

Y/N: please don't worry about it

Dylan: can't promise that

Y/N: sorry I didn't text sooner

Dylan: don't worry bout it... time zones

Y/N: Yeah.... you'v  got no idea how much I've missed you

Dylan: and I you

Y/N: Oh dear, I gtg, pissed off nurse, bye

Dylan: ok, stay out of trouble...

                 Love you 


I wasn't sure why I'd sent that, but looking at it, I knew it was true.

Y/N's POV:

I looked at what he had sent. I swear my heart stopped for a moment as I read it.

Y/N: Love you too

But before I could click 'send' the nurse took my phone.
"You need sleep" she smiled a fake smile, then left, leaving my phone across the room where I couldn't get it.
"Bitch" I hissed. I couldn't get up, so I kind-of swallowed my pride and did as she told me.

I woke up blurry eyed. I couldn't see properly, but I saw a blurry figure sitting in the chair. I propped myself up, blinking a couple times. It was Milo.
"Err... Good morning?" He jolted up, when he saw me he smiled tiredly, I realized he had been sleeping. 
"Evening" He corrected as he came to sit on the edge of my bed.
"oh" We sat silence for a moment before he broke it.
"Lara and Louis told us... everything..." He said lowly.
"Why?" I asked, a pang in my chest.
"We didn't give them a choice, we had to know who did this" He said simply. I sighed, hanging my head.
"Mum and dad must be so disappointed in me"I said quietly.
"What!? No, no! Why would you think that?"
"Cause I went out with the guy? For such a long time? I cut, I've gotten hurt, and now this" I sighed putting my face in my hands "How'd they end up with such a disaster for a child?" I grumbled
"Yeah, I've also wondered how Louis is a part of our family" Milo shrugged with an easy-going smile. I could help but smile back, I wiped the tear from my cheek.
"could you pass me my phone?" I asked quietly. He nodded, getting up then passing it to me. I hit send, smiling to myself.

Dylan's POV:

it was 2:00 pm. I was sitting in my room, reading the 'Prisoner of Azkaban' for the something-thousandth time, when my phone buzzed.

Y/N: Love you too

So she wasn't ignoring me, I wasn't sure why it too so long to respond, but I'd take it with no complaints, then it hit me. She loved me to. 'she loves me' then it hit again but stronger.
"SHE LOVES ME" I yelled. I had jumped off my bed, my book falling to the floor.
"Sorry what did you say? Don't think the people in Abbotsford heard you!" My sister yelled sarcastically from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and sat back down, but inside... I can't explain it, it's as if there was a party going on inside me. I flopped on my bed smiling like an idiot.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up the next morning to my parents. They were going to have us move away so this didn't happen again, and until they moved, I was to stay in Canada with Dylan. They had planned it all out with Mrs. Kingwell. Louis was coming with me. They would need us soon anyway, for a fifth season of ASOUE, and something else. My parents informed me that a Netflix show was holding auditions and they requested that I audition. I was happy to accept. I had to be in hospital for a couple more days though. I read through most of the day, Harry Potter The Prisoner of Azkaban. After lunch though, I got an unexpected visitor. The nurse let him in, and I bristled.
"Hi hun, how are you?" Tanner asked.
"What are you doing here?" I snarled.
"Well, I thought I should see my girlfriend" He said shrugging.
"I'm NOT your girlfriend" I said crossing my arms.
"Still, but I thought..."
"Yeah, you thought wrong, get the fuck out" I snarled at him.
"Now now, don't make me mad again" He said gesturing to my stitches.
"I SAID GET OUT!" I screamed at him. The nurse came in blinking stupidly.
"Is everything okay?" She asked even more stupidly.
"Get him out" I snarled. The nurse nodded and tried to pull him out. He shook her off easy and came up to me, putting his face inches from mine.
"You'll regret this" he snarled before walking out.
"What gave you that impression?" I asked.
"What happened?" The nurse asked.
"I don't believed that's your concern" I replied with fake kindness, it probably wasn't the best way to treat the nurse, but it wasn't. She nodded and left. In a couple minuets my siblings came in.
"The nurse seemed... off" commented Milo.
"Yeah, and slightly scared" Lara added.
"Well, she was being a little stupid" I shrugged.
"What did she do?" Asked Louis as he sat down.
"She let Tanner in" I replied with my eyes narrowed.
"Shit, what did he want" Milo asked as he sat in another chair between Lara and Louis.
"he wanted to get back together"
"after doing this to you!?" Lara asked angrily.
"Yeah, I know" I sighed, and told them what happened, "And then he told me i'd regret it and left" I finished.
"Shit" My brothers said together.
"Mum and Dad are sending Louis and I back to Canada" I told them. Louis nodded. My siblings joined me on my bed, we sat in a circle and just talked, like we used to when we were small kids, about anything and everything, until they had to leave that evening.


Hope y'all are still enjoying this book, I'm trying to update as often as I can, but unfortunately my teachers have given me enough homework to last all spring break so I'm gonna finish that as quickly as possible and get back to this!


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