A Few Tears

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Dylan's POV:

I watched Y/N leave. Hmm, I never took her to be someone who would throw away fan mail... unless it wasn't. I sat down on her bed, going through some of the mail she had told me to get rid of. I hardly got through four letters before throwing the one I was reading to the ground. It was sickening what these people were saying, and i only read three and a quarter. Y/N had read all of them. I picked up the hate mail, bringing it to my room, then went to find Y/N. I went to her brothers room, figuring she might be telling him what happened. I opened the door quietly, but only Louis was there. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. 

      "Do you know where Y/N is?"

       "No, why?"

        "Read the mail on my bed, that'll tell you why" he nodded and left swiftly to my room. I headed to Adysson's room. I noticed girls tend to go to each other when they were upset. I knocked on her door.

         "Who is it?" She called.


           "Dylan? But you never knock"

           "Is Y/N there?" I asked opening the door.

             "No, why would she be" Adysson snapped.

             "Find Lou in my room and read the same mail he is and you'll find out why" she pushed passed me, sprinting to my room. I walked through are halls, until I heard sobbing. I turned and found the myself at the bathroom. I knocked on the door, then tried to open it, but it was locked. The sobbing got louder.

                "Y/N!! Let me in" I called through the door. No response. I sighed, then with the bobby pin I found on the floor, I picked the lock. I swung open the door to find a sobbing Y/N curled up on the floor. I dropped down next to her, and wrapped my arms around her. She was trembling, and her breathing was uneven, but I knew she was starting to calm down. I rubbed circles on her back, soothing her. Soon her breathing was almost perfect, but she was still trembling. I released her, sitting next to her I kept an arm around her as she leaned on me.

                "None of what they said was true, you know" I murmured to her. I sob escaped her lips.

                  "But it is, I'm no good, I don't deserve you, or to live, I should just kill myself" she sobbed quietly, her breath hitching. I gently grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at me. Her eyes were read and swollen, and her cheeks were tear stained and yet she was still beautiful.

                    "But you're amazing, pure, it's me who doesn't deserve someone as talented or beautiful as you, and if anyone deserves life or anything they ever wanted it's you" I told her. She just shook her head, looking back down.

                      "Why do you care for me? You could do so much better" she whispered.

                        "You see hun, the thing is I couldn't, you know why? Cause there's nobody better then you"

                           "He's not kidding" we looked up to see Louis and Addison at the door.

                             "We're sorry, but we couldn't make it past three letters, the fact that you made it through all of them is both horrible and yet amazing" Adysson said.

                              "Let's go watch a movie" Louis suggested. We nodded and headed to the living room. Addison got a random movie started, as Y/N didn't care what we watched. Y/N was curled up to my chest and I kept an arm around her. Louis went to explain to mum what was going on.... and get snacks as we curled up, Y/N dozing throughout the movie.


So yay!! Another chapter done!! You guys have no idea how grateful I am for you guys, so thank you!! ❤️❤️                     


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