"Long time no see Ururaka! So were in the same class huh? That's great!" 

"Yeah! I'm looking forward to this Sonniku!" she expresses joy fully.

"If u r here to socialise then get out," a strange purple catipillar said.

"What The!?!?!?!? WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?" We all siad in unison.

He crawls his purple sleeping bag out while drinking a beverage out of a small plastic bag

"It took u all 8 seconds to shut up, that's not good. In the real world of pros, time is precious, Im Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. so get in your gym uniforms and get outside, You got 5 minutes," he says while going outside.

'So he's our teacher huh? Well cant waste any more time, gotta go fast!" i then ran towards the locker room in 30 seconds since im not fimilair with this area yet. 

'So fast,' the whole class minus Ururaka and Bakugou thought.

And it took another 1 minute for me to reach the meeting area.

"Huh, your fast, consider me impress," aizawa said.

"Thanks for the compilment..... Eraserhead"


The entire claass have arrived at the meeting area as Aizawa explains on what they are going to do.

"Today we will be taking a Quirk assement test, and before u ask about the assembly, u can forget about it. UA is known for it's feestyle teaching so i can run the class the way i want it too. OK then, Bakugou what's your farthest throw without using your quirk?"

"67 meters i think"

"Now try using it then" as he pass the ball to Bakugou.

"Alright, NOW DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

'DIE?' the whole class, minus Midoriya, thought.

"900 meters, im impressed, the rest of this test will be like this and whoever last gets expelled, and before you say 'thats not fair' then think of the real world works. You think natural disasters are fair? You think villains care about your quirk being mastered or not? Its a heroes job to correct these wrongs and they have to deal with it with no complaints. Now lets get started,"

'I need to do well on these or im toast' thought Izuku

Grip Strength

'Ok, so i can use OFA here, here goes nothing' Izuku thinks as he grips.


'Nice! Not Bad! Not Bad At All!' Izuku smiles happily at this

Long Jump

'Ok, need to build up speed for this' Izuku thinks while he charges his spindash.

"Whoa! He can do that?" "That looks hard to do!" "Won't that make him sick?" some classmates said as he released his spindash.

"Whoa! He made the whole jump!" one with a tail says.

'Ok! whats next?!' Izuku thinks while grinning.

50-meter run

"This will be a peice of cake!" Izuku said as he was paired up with Iida.

"So your a speed type like myself? Lets see which one of us is faster!" Iida challenged Izuku.

"Oh its on!"


They both ran towards the finish line with everything that they got, wll at least one of them is.

Izuku Midoriya: The Blue BlurWhere stories live. Discover now