Mokuna 'Elua~

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So, I've decided to put the numbers in Hawaiian instead of English.

Why? Because I can. Okay?

Well, THAT aaaand because I like to be proud of my native heritage... Which is... *drumroll please* HAWAIIAN. Surprised much? NO?!?! Of course not, I mean.... 1. My username is HAWAIIDoesItBetter. 2. I'm freaking using Hawaiian names for numbers. BIG clue there.

I'm writing this because I left my textbooks in my moms car and the parentals have left for a drive... I didnt do my homework... and I need those textbooks. SOOOOO~ THUS BORN CHAPTER 'ELUA...

Wait, what's the word for chapter in Hawaiian?


Mokuna! omg how did I not know this?!?! *facedesks* or err... *facelaptops*

Well here it is folks!

--" Kae"

P.S; A mahalo goes out to DaydreamingOfLife for giving me inspiration for what to do in this chapter and the next.... I am very grateful.

P.P.S; Dedicated to thatkiddsalinass for having an amazayn character entry, even though I didn't use it. I apologize yet again.

Without further a flippin doolittle... here's the chappie


(C) All Rights Reserved

This ride to the management building wasnt as nerve-wracking as the last, but I have to admit I was still scared out of my rabbit-ass mind. So many questions and concerns were flying through the window of my mind and splattering it like pigeon poo.

What if they don't allow Niall to be my beard? Why do I even need a beard? Will they make Josh have a beard? What if his beard will be prettier than me? What if Niall suddenly decides he doesnt want to do it? What if JOSH decides he doesnt like the idea anymore? WHAT IF------

"If you dig your nails any harder into your palms we might just have to bring you to the hospital for profuse bleeding, Love." Josh's voice cut through my worrisome mind and I looked down at my hands slightly confused. Then I saw the deep crescents that my nails impaled into the fleshy part of my palms. I held them out before me silently and sighed.

"Don't worry so much, Meliss, nothing could really be any worse." Josh said assuringly in my ear.

I rolled my eyes. " Don't jinx it, Drummer-Boy."

He chuckled a bit then took both my hands in his own and pressed his lips to each individual little mark I inflicted upon myself. I blushed slightly when he raised his eyes to mine and gave me a sweet smirk. "All better?"

"Mmhmm." I smiled and nodded. He leaned in to kiss me when we heard vulgar retching noises from the front seat. Both of us whipped our heads to see Niall jokingly pretending he was seconds away from spewing barf all over the expensive SUV. We all laughed together and Josh and I made no attempts at kissing eachother .

"Please leave the sickly-sweet coupley stuff for after I'm gone." Niall complained petulantly and Josh rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at him childishly.

A few minutes later we arrived to the menacing building and Paul escorted us all inside to the exact same conference room that I have been standing in just a week and a day earlier. I think it would be fitting to say we were a week and a day WAY too soon to be stepping foot in that dastardly room again.

We all took seats and waited for the managers to arrive. I sat there tapping my nails on the glass top conference desk and gripping Josh's hand tightly. Niall lounged quite comfortably in the empty chair beside me with his feet propped up on the table. Paul stood guard behind us even though it wasn't really nessecary, I guess he was just doing his job.

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