He sat down next to me "do you remember when you made us watch your favorite movies over and over again? Like "The fast and the furious" saga"

i looked at him "those are your favorite movies too, Nate"

He chuckled "but never did i complain of watching them with you every weekend or every time one of us was sick?"

I nodded "true"

Nate "and when i asked you why you liked watching them over and over again...you said that.."

I smiled "that i like to know how things turn out"

He smiled "exactly"

Nate "you know, growing up, i never knew who i was supposed to be...so i'd spend all my time apologizing for the privilege and the wealth and the opportunities i felt other people deserved more than i did.and you know what i am finally learning? you can't fight against who you are. and you are Flavia Van Der Woodsen. "

I smiled "what happened to the Nate Archibald who just wanted to get high?"

He chuckled and i smiled.

Nate "i don't know"

Me "I'm sorry for being such a bitch earlier, Nate

He nodded "it's okay"

I looked at him fro a a sec and he at me.

Nate stood up " i better head inside"

I sighed "Nate"

He turned to me "yeah?"

Me "don't forget our jacket"

He smiled and i handed him his jacket. Then he walked inside.


I walked back into the main room and felt a presence next to me.

Me "Chuck"

Chuck "how are you holding up?"

Me "i don't wanna talk to you"

Chuck "then listen. I had nothing to do with an of this"

I scoffed "then who the hell did text Nate if not you"

He froze.

Suddenly William wanted our attention "may i have your attention, please? As we celebrate our family's past this weekend, we also look to its future. Our grandson, Nathaniel, is graduating from St.Jude's this year, and, i'm proud to announce, had been offered an internship in the Mayor's office. "

Everyone clapped.

William "Nathaniel??"

Nate walked on stage "Well, our family has many traditions. Some, like touch football, come at a steeper price than others. "

We chuckled.

Nate "but what they all have in common is commitment to bringing out the best in yourself, your potential, even if you're not sure what that is"

He was looking at me. I gave him a soft smile.

Nate "i hope to find out, in the summer, in the Mayor's office"

William "Yes. that's what i wanted to hear"

He hugged Nate and we all clapped.

At home. Night.

I walked into my bedroom and jumped a little when i saw Chuck sitting on my bed.

Me "Chuck?"

Chuck "i came for help"

I asked worried "what's wrong?"

Chuck "i'm losing her"

Me "Who? Blair?"

He nodded "i don't know what to do"

Me "fight for her, Chuck. Fight for her like she did for you"

He looked at me.

Me "you're Chuck Bass, you always get what you want"

He smiled a little.

Me "want me to join you?"

He nodded "that would be very cool of you"

I smiled "come with me"

at Blair's.

We walked out of the elevator and Dorota came our way.

Dorota sighed "i told the doorman no visitors. Mr. Chuck, Ms. Flavia, it's late"

Chuck sighed "i just need a moment of her time"

Dorota "Miss Blair asleep. I'm sorry"

Chuck "can you tell her that i stopped by and that i have something i need to tell her?"

She nodded "i will, in morning"

then she walked away.

I looked around and scoffed, pissed off "like hell she's asleep"

Chuck looked at me confused.

I held back "that son of a bitch"

Nate's jacket was on the sofa.

Chuck's jaw clenched.

I scoffed, shaking my head.

Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)Where stories live. Discover now