Chapter 1 - Dreamer

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The sun gazed through the window of BCKT's dorm. Bolt turned over in his sleep, clutching his blankets. He turned over again.

'Agh!' He exclaimed at the lack of bed beneath him, as his body landed on the floor with a painful thump. 'Great day already...' he said sarcastically. 'What time is it?' He grabbed his alarm clock. It was five in the morning. 'Again? No wonder I'm feeling so tired, I fall asleep late, and then fall awake early.' As he looked around at his tired teammates, he felt that this may have not been a great time to use the material he'd been coming up with for days. 'Well, since we're awake we might as well do somethi-' He heard something from the bed across from his own. Comet was still snoring. 'There's no way to wake him up, I swear.'

'Damn it Bolt!' Krypton shouted at him. 'You always wake us up this early!' Bolt flinched as his teammate continued his rant. 'You say you want to be a good leader, yet you still ruin my sleep schedules! It's not easy to be such a good student when you're constantly being woken up at five by your leader!'

'Okay okay. Firstly, it's not like I can control what my body does in my sleep. And secondly, calm down, you're gonna wake Comet up!'

'Too late...' Bolt prepared himself; Comet had said this. The Faunus yawned and twitched his wolf ears. 'What time is it?' Bolt and Krypton glared each other down. Neither wanted to tell Comet that they woke him up three hours before he insists to be woken up. 'Okay, if nobody wants to tell me, I'll check for myself.' He bounced up onto his feet, walking over to Bolt's bunk. He stared at the alarm clock for a second. Both of the other boys chuckled nervously. They saw Comet's anger build, like a balloon about to pop. 'Seriously?! What the hell makes you think that five in the morning is a good wake up time?!' He screamed in Bolts face. The blonde boy got a good look at Comet's fangs.

'Krypton was the one who woke you up...' he said weakly. Meanwhile Krypton was sending him 'why would you say that' looks.

'You have got a point actually.' Comet turned the other way. Krypton saw blue eyes filled with rage. It was funny how the youngest and smallest boy in the team brought about the most fear. Just as he thought that sight would be his last, he heard a voice from the fourth and final teammate.

'Comet.' Tygre was holding a dog treat in his palm. The enraged boy turned the other way.

'You think you can bribe me with dog treats?' He said. Tygre remained composed, despite being a scared mess on the inside. The youngest boy walked over to him menacingly, casting a terrible shadow over the oldest teammate. Suddenly his eyes lit up. 'Well, normally I'd scream at you but those treats taste so GOOD!' He snatched the biscuit from Tygre, who backed up against the wall afterwards. He shoved the treat in his mouth and crumbs scattered across the floor as he strode over to his bed. 'Well, I'm gonna go to sleep again now. For three more hours!' Two minutes later, snoring began again.

'Nice one, T.' Bolt said quietly.

'I'm going back to sleep too.' The older teammate responded.

''Kay then. What about you Kryp?' He saw the Helios boy on his scroll. 'What you doing?'


'Who could you be texting at this time?'

'None of your business, Bolt!'

''Kay, 'Kay, dont wake the wolf...' Bolt lay his head on his pillow to try and get at least another couple hours of sleep.

Later that morning...

'And That is the stunning story of how I saved my home village from Grimm.'

Professor Port blabbered on about something that he did when he was younger, which interested no one. Weiss looked up from the clock, to the boy sitting in the seat in front of her- Krypton Helios. She couldn't help but smile when she saw him, and his neat brown hair, his green and gold outfit. She could feel her heart rate increase whenever he came into her field of vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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