Let me do this for you.

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Alec's pov

As I approach the cell i can hear their voices but I can't really make out what they are saying due to the guards also talking a few meters back.

When I reach the door I can see them hugging and for a moment I'm confused. I open the door in order to get in and that's when they pull away from each other.

My gaze falls upon sky and for a moment I also miss it.

But then I look again and it seems like she has been crying. Her eyes are red and her cheeks swollen. But most of all there is pain stretched all over her face making her grey eyes seem more cloudy than usual.

I desperately want to approach her and take her into my arms. I know I can't but as I see her seated there in the corner of the room with her eyes looking straight into mine, I want to go to her and touch her, fell her, so much that it hurts.

she notices how I have been looking at her for a moment too long and she lowers her eyes to the ground.

Embarrassed, I cough and turn to face Isabelle.

"What happened? Are you and jace okay?" She asks me and I tense at her words, trying to find a subtle way to put it.

"No." I answer, wincing. That was not subtle at all. "Our parabatai bond, it's so weak. He's like a ghost." I finally admit and run a hand through my hair. I move to sit on the chair placed next to the door.

I can see sky looking at me, trying to find out what to say.

Isabelle's face holds a terrible fear and I try to ignore it but it makes my stomach turn.

"What did you do?" Isabelle questions even though I'm pretty sure she has an idea of what I did.

"Lydia and I thought we could stop the trail if we gave the cup to the clave." I inform the girls and they both turn to look at me with expressions of surprise.

"Lydia helped you?" Isabelle asks and I turn to look at sky.

At the sound of the blondes name she has fixated her gaze to the wall and her lips are pressed into a thin line. No matter how much time passes she doesn't turn to look at me.

"It doesn't matter." I manage to answer back but I feel like I have to defend Lydia, after all she can't change things. "She has no choice but to go through with the trail now." I can see Isabelle rolling her eyes, ready to comment something, probably an insult about Lydia but sky sighs, stopping her.

"It doesn't matter. You tried." She says, finally looking at me and suddenly there is a pain tugging at my insides.

I gulp down, feeling as though I can't breathe for a second.

Sky says it doesn't matter but it does. She is stubborn, now she will do things her way. And that means sacrificing herself. I place my head into my hands, feeling desperate only at the thought of it.

"I'm so sorry." I mumble and I can hear movement indicating that someone stood up.

"You did everything you could." Sky's voice is gentle and careful, making me feel even worse.

I think about everything I did and everything I said today and it's enough to make me stand up abruptly and start pacing around.

"Hey, stop, she is right." Isabelle tries to make me relax but now I'm not only thinking about the cup and Jace.

I screwed up big time, I tried to stop them and fought with Jace. I told sky all these hideous things...I physically wince at the thought of the pain I must have caused her. And now she is ready to go and just give up, give up on her life. And the last thing she will remember me for is for breaking her heart.

Burning Sky // Alec Lightwood ➰Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora