Well, this is a nice change of scenery.

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I watch as two guards lock us behind the old and dusted bars before turning around and disappearing round the corner.

"Well, this is a nice change of scenery." I comment while leaning on the dirty wall behind me, disgusted at the thought of what my hair is touching right now.

Isabelle gives me a blank look with raised eyebrows.

"It's a prison cell." She simply says making me roll my eyes at her and sigh.

"I was being sarcastic." I smile up at her with a tired tug at my lips and I watch her pace back and forth.

She settles in front of the bars looking for a sign of anyone being near but she clearly doesn't see anyone since she places her forehead on the metal bars with a look of frustration.

"Why did you do that?" I ask her all of a sudden and she gives me a weird look, oblivious to what I'm actually referring.

"Did what?" She demands as she turns her body to face me while only balancing herself on the bars.

"Confessed. I tried to convince  them I did it alone." I point out at the brunette and she gives me a tired laugh which makes me feel like I'm saying something stupid.

"And you think they would have believed you?" She questions me and I just look at her, knowing that deep down we both know the answer to that question.

"Exactly." She says with a sigh and detaches herself from the metal, taking a walk around in the cell.

"Still, we should have tried it. After all, none of this would have happened if we hadn't showed up." I say gesturing around me at the confined space we were locked in.

Isabelle turns to face me and shakes her head furiously at me.

"Don't think like that Sky. Valentine was regaining troops, he would start a war wether you were here or not. After all I was the one who wanted to save Meliorn." She tries to comfort me but I don't let it slide that easily.

"We all wanted to save him, and he would be just fine if we hadn't showed up, if Clary hadn't showed up, and Simon hadn't been in danger, and us in need of his help." I furrow my eyebrows at her as I'm panting heavily, my voice is now raised, not with an angry tone but with a serious one.

"Don't beat yourself over it Sky. Besides, I don't understand why you insist I should let you be blamed for this. I care about you, I wouldn't leave you all alone in here." She says gently and I smile up at her with all the force I can master.

It's nice to know that someone cares that much for you, enough to even risk their own life.

"However, Alec said we could be stripped off our runes, be banished. I don't care, but you do, it's your whole world." I point out and the girl sighs, visibly anxious over the fact that she could lose everything from one moment to the other. She doesn't seem to regret her decision though.

"Sky...you are a Belcher." She finally says after a long moment of silence and I just look at her with a blank face, with no idea where she is going with this.

"Yes..." I trail off as I move closer to her and she stops her walking and gives me a serious look.

"Before the operation, I talked with Magnus, about what could happen if we got caught. He predicted that they would lock me up, after all their real concern isn't us and breaking the law but the cup." She says and I nod at her words, realizing that it makes sense.

Of course it's the cup that they are after, they think that somehow we have it in our hands. I mean they are not wrong but still...Isabelle takes another look at me and her face holds a seriousness I haven't seen her wear before.

Burning Sky // Alec Lightwood ➰Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon