Things have changed

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Trigger warning. This chapter touches subjects like depression, abuse and panic attacks so if you don't feel able to handle it or you think it may upset you in any way, I advise you to skip it. If,you do read it and have any problem with it, please feel free to message me and talk about it. Hope it doesn't upset someone!

"It all started after her death..." Sky starts looking directly at the white wall across the room. "Uhm, no one was ready to accept the fact that she was just gone. My-my parents, god they were gutted. The first days after the funeral, it was like there was no longer life in the house, and I know I shouldn't but I really wish that things remained that way." I give a questioning look towards her direction but she isn't looking at me.

She seems lost in her own little world, like she is living in her story. Either way, she explains.

"It was better when they were sad, for all of us. Because then, they became angry." Her voice is dangerously low and her grey eyes darken in a way that's scaring me. " they were blaming one other for the accident. At first it was some pointless bickering, but then, all hell broke loose." The way she says these words and the expression of row pain lacing her features causes my chest to throb.

"My parents were constantly yelling and fighting the house was like a war zone." She shakes her head and there is a hint of anger flashing on her usual calm and sweet features.

"What about you and Adam?" I whisper looking down at her. The question seems to pain her and she gives my hand that is still holding hers a strong squeeze until her knuckles become white.

"It was like we had died with May on that accident. They never talked to us, never acknowledged our existence. I literally heard my mo-" she stops and lets out a breath. She looks like she is debating with herself on how she should call her mother, "I heard Kaitlyn..." she decides but still holds an expression of distaste like she doesn't like how the name sounds coming from her but continues anyway. "One day crying and yelling at my father, accusing him that he let May walk to her lesson and didn't offer to drive her. I still remember her exact words. She said, and I quote, because of you I am no longer a mother. And there we were her thirteen year old kids at the top of the staircase overhearing her. "She says and moves her free hand to the air to indicate the top of the staircase she is talking about. A bitter laugh escapes her but it doesn't conceal the pain that is visible in the pool of her grey eyes.

"That's..." I try desperately to find something to say that would make the black haired girl feel better but I am in a loss of words.
She seems to understand that though because she speaks again not waiting for me to continue.

"Yeah, it is isn't it? I moved to Adam's room, I didn't want to be alone during the night. Not that I slept at all. We were both too terrified to sleep, and even if we weren't, the voices wouldn't let us. It was like...they were trying to fill with this sound the void that she had left behind."

When she lifted her eyes to look up at me, her face was controlled with immense agony causing my heart to fall in my chest. "Sky..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She takes in several breaths, it looks to me like every single movement causes her pain, but she doesn't stop. She never does.

"We were about fifteen when our father started drinking a lot." She spits out the word father like someone in the institute would speak about Valentine, maybe even worse. "He was constantly drunk and my mother in order to avoid him was never at the house. Adam was the same. "

Confusion fills me upon hearing that Adam chose to deal with the situation by bailing out as the bonding and the unconditionally love the siblings had for each other told another story.

Burning Sky // Alec Lightwood ➰Where stories live. Discover now