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"L-Liv..." Severus muttered, not bothering to look up at Liv.

"Severus, what're you doing here at this hour?" Liv asked curiously.

"Well, I could ask you the same thing..." Severus chuckled nervously.

Liv stood there, watching Severus. He seemed tense. He wouldn't bother to look up at her. He seemed like he was in a rush. Perhaps it has something to do about Voldemort talking to her? But, it can't be, Severus wasn't there. At least that's what Liv thought.

"I was just leaving," Liv informed him. "Just needed someone to vent to who was wise. Your turn."

"Oh, uh, it's a bit personal."

"Yeah well what I shared was personal too. And you know you can talk to me," she assured him. "Sev, what's up?"

"I don't know if I should tell you..." he sighed. "I really want to. But I also want to respect you."

"Severus, if it's about the whole You Know Who thing..." she whispered. "I already know."

Severus raised an eyebrow. Now he'd look at her. "But...how? I obliviated you, which was your wish..."

"It doesn't matter how I know. But I do. And I'm recovering alright," she told him. "But are you?"

Severus stayed silent, looking down at the floor once again.

"Maybe we should go in there and talk to Dumbledore together. Would that make you feel better?"  Liv suggested.

Severus remained silent, biting his lip harshly. Liv held out her hand for Severus to take. He managed to smile slightly as he took her hand and they walked into the headmaster's office together.

"Look who I found," Liv told Dumbledore. "We would like to talk to you about the You Know Who thing."

Severus was trembling slightly. He didn't seem nervous, he seemed scared. Liv held his hand a bit tighter, squeezing it comfortingly.

"Have a seat, you two." Dumbledore instructs. He turned to face Severus. "Did you see any of what Liv claimed happened to her?"

"I was just entering the forest when she was leaving it, and she explained everything that happened. But I didn't see it with my own eyes because I was not there," Severus explained.

"Why were you going into the forest?" Dumbledore asked.

Severus bit his lip again, his face flushing a bit.


Sev then got up and turned around to leave. He left in such a casual matter, but there was still a bit of a bounce to his steps as his cloak dragged across the floor. Liv sighed and slumped in her chair.

"Liv, I'm worried about him."

"One step ahead of you," she laughed breathlessly, standing up. "Don't worry, Professor. I've got it covered." she assured him without revealing too much about her and Xeno's investigation.

"Thanks, Liv. I know I can count on you," Dumbledore smiled. "Now please, try and get some sleep, alright?"

"I will. Thank you." Liv smiled and walked out of Dumbledore's office, quietly shutting his door. Severus must've been long gone by this time.

Liv thought that he trusted her. It's clear to see that he's going through a hard time and needs someone right now, but he's not letting himself get the support he needs, and is instead isolating himself. And how was she supposed to help him if he doesn't say anything?

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