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Severus and Lily entered Hogsmeade, hand in hand.

Of course Lily was the one who grabbed his hand first. Severus would've been too nervous to make a move at all.

"Let's go get butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks! I heard it was pretty good." Lily suggested

"Al-Alright." Sev stuttered

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Severus tried to assure her.

He didn't know if she bought it or not, because she just shrugged before walking toward The Three Broomsticks.

Lucius blocked the entrance, though.

"Hello Severus. Hello mudblood." Lucius greeted

"LEAVE THEM ALONE LUCIUS!" Liv shouted from a few feet away. 

Lily rolled her eyes, and Severus smiled weakly.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Lily demanded

"Ahh, playing last names eh? Two can play at this game, Evans. Or should I say Snape?" Lucius smirked

Lily slapped him. "Shut up."

"Make me."

Lily rolled her eyes again, and walked past him and into The Three Broomsticks.

"What's your problem Lucius?" Severus asked, before following after Lily.

Lily had already grabbed a table, and her face was completely red.

Severus sat down next to her. "I'm really sorry about Lucius. I don't know what his problem is."

"Jeez, what do people have against mudbloods?" Lily asked, and sighed. "I honestly don't think blood status even matters!"

Severus smiled at her. "Keep that mindset, because it's the truth. I don't care what  your blood status is; you're my best friend no matter what."

He was about to say, "I love you no matter what." But he thought he'd make the situation more awkward than it had to be.

Lily smiles weakly.

Severus thought he wasn't helping, and frowned a bit. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, even though he knew that wouldn't make it any better.

But Lily smiled. Not a weak one, but an actual smile.

"I guess you're right. Thank you Sev."

"Plus, Lucius is a prat sometimes." Severus added

Lily laughed. "I agree with you completely on that one."

Severus nods. "Oh! We forgot what we even came here for!"

Lily gives him a puzzled look, but after 5 seconds she realizes. "Butterbeer!" She exclaims

"I'll go get some." Sev said

"Nah, I got it." Lily assured him, and quickly got out of her chair.

Severus sat there patiently and waited for her. She came back about 5 minutes later.

Lily passed Severus his butterbeer, and she took a sip of her own

"This stuff is good!" Lily exclaims, causing Sev to smile a bit and take a sip of his own.

"Yeah, it really is!" He replied, and they both laugh a bit.

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