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"Lucius, I met this guy—"

"Is he nice? I swear if he hurts you—"

"Lucius! You didn't let me finish." Liv laughed. "No, we aren't together or anything. I literally just met the guy. He doesn't think Sev is a Death Eater and he has a lot of conspiracies about it. I'm going to help him find out the truth. His name is Xenophilius."

"Wait. Xenophilius Lovegood?" Lucius asked, shocked.

"I think so. He's in my house." Liv replied.

Lucius sighed. "Liv, he's crazy. We all know it. He doesn't have any friends."

"So?" Liv asked, shrugging. "Now he will. He'll have me, and maybe even Ray, Logan, Remus, Sirius, and Peter."

"Liv, if you're seen with him, your reputation will be ruined. I'm just trying to look out for you." Lucius explained.

"First of all, Lucius, I don't even have a reputation." Liv laughed. "Secondly, Xenophilius seems really nice. I need to make more Ravenclaw friends, anyway."

"Alright, but don't let him brainwash you about nargles and thestrals." Lucius sighed and pat Liv on the back.

Liv rolled her eyes, yet she laughed. "Oh come on Luci, I'll prove to you that he's not what you think he is. We'll prove to you that Severus isn't a Death Eater."

"You can try." Lucius smirked and gently shoved Liv.

"I'll prove it!" Liv said seriously.

Lucius didn't respond, yet he smirked. Liv shook her head.

"I'm going back to my dorm. I'm exhausted." Liv said quietly and slinked out of Lucius' dorm. She couldn't believe how unsupportive and heartless her brother was being.

She stormed back to the dorm, immediately throwing herself on the bed and thinking about this Xenophilius. But then she remembered; butterbeer with Logan! She quickly got off the bed and changed her outfit, sprinting to the Three Broomsticks. She saw that Logan had already grabbed a table and that Ray was sitting with her. They seemed to be hitting it off because they were laughing quite loudly. Liv happily joined them.

"Hi. So sorry I'm late, I met this guy." Liv told them, taking a sip of the butterbeer that was in her area.

Logan and Ray looked at Liv excitedly. "YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND?" they exclaimed in unison. Liv laughed quietly and shushed them.

"No, I literally just met this guy." Liv smiled. "His name is Xenophilius Lovegood. He believes that Severus isn't a Death Eater and will do absolutely everything in his power to prove it. He wants me to help."

"Oh, Liv, that's amazing!" Ray smiled, patting her on the back. Logan looked confused.

"Oh, Logan, you must be so confused," Liv laughed.

"Yeah! Sorry," Ray laughed "Ill explain. So, Severus has been acting really weird lately. He even called Lily, his best friend of all time, a mudblood. There's a rumor going around that he's a Death Eater. And apparently Lucius Malfoy is the one who started it. He started to think he was a Death Eater way before these events happened. But honestly all Lucius does is get involved in drama. It's ridiculous. He's ridiculous! He should just be expe—"

"Not another word about my brother, Ray." Liv said sternly, looking at her as she took a small sip of her butterbeer.

Ray gasped. She was at a loss for words for awhile until she managed to say, "You...Him...He's your...brother?"

"I was going to tell you!" Liv chuckled a bit.

"Well thank god you did. I promise I'll try my hardest not to talk smack about him anymore." Ray laughed.

"Good." Liv laughed. "Y'know Logan, Sirius was acting weird too, but he's pulled himself together a bit."

"Weird? How so?" Logan asked curiously.

"Well...He asked me to the Ball and told me he fancied me since first year. But then he left me in the middle of the dance to "go to the bathroom" but really he just went off to dance with you." Liv explained. "I'm over it, though. I think I was just upset because he lied to me. He should've never taken me in the first place."

Logan frowned. "Jeez, that's horrible. I'm so sorry, Liv. I'll make it up to you, somehow."

"No Logan!" she smiled. "It's not your fault. Plus, Sirius already apologized, and it seemed pretty real. I don't hold grudges. I'm over it."

"Oh, alright." Logan let out a breathy laugh and took a sip of her butterbeer. "Guys are so weird!"

"I'll drink to that!" Ray laughed and chugged some of her butterbeer.

"Me too." Liv smiled, but she didn't take a sip. She lost her thirst. Plus, she had butterbeer often already.

"I've seen Xenophilius around I think, though. He's kind of cute." Logan chuckled.

Liv faked a gasp, laughing afterward. "Logan! No! What about Sirius? Xenophilius doesn't deserve to be dragged into our drama!"

Logan grinned. "I was kidding. And wow, you're already into Xenophilius?"

Liv's face turned red. "What? We just met!"

"But you're already defending him." Ray smirked a bit. "Have you finally started to get over James?"

"I don't know," Liv shrugged. "It's too early to tell. Xenophilius is really attractive though..."

Ray and Logan giggled loudly. Liv's face turned very pink, and she giggled while yelling "Shut up!" to her friends.

"Logan, you're officially a member of our amazing friend group. Now we just have to introduce you to Peter and Remus if Sirius hasn't done that yet." Liv smiled widely, putting an arm around Logan.

"I've met Remus, but not Peter. Let's go now!" Logan said excitedly, standing up and pushing her chair in.

"It's on me, ladies. I promised Ray." Liv smiled and layed out her money on the table. They walked back into the castle, walking up to the Gryffindor common room. As expected, Peter was there, laying on the couch.

"Peter!" Liv said excitedly. "There's someone I'd like for you to meet."

Peter stood up, walking over to the three girls. "Oh, you're Logan I assume? Sirius will not shut up about you!"

Logan chuckled, her face flushing a bit. "Yeah that's me. And you're the famous Peter?"

"You've got it wrong. I'm James," Peter joked. "Yeah, I'm Peter. Nice to meet you!"

"You too!" Logan smiled and shook his hand.

"Alright girls, I'm going to take a walk. And tomorrow I'm going to meet with Xenophilius, probably. See you Monday?" Liv explained. 

"Sure!" Ray and Logan said in unison, walking out of the common room.

"Who's this Xenophilius you speak of?" Peter asked curiously, looking at Liv.

"It's a long story, actually."

Ugh, sorry for my absence! Writers block and depression aren't a fun combination. Anyway, I'm back! For now at least. I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit of a filler. It'll get better soon, but only if you stick around.

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