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Before Liv would meet up with Xeno and Lily, she wanted some more alone time to think. She raced out of the Ravenclaw common room, with a destination in mind; The Black Lake. She rushed there, hoping not to be seen. But she was.

"Liv! You're still here!" a voice exclaimed. Liv turned around. Ray.

Liv couldn't help but smile. She did miss hanging out with Ray. Logan as well.

As if on cue, Logan came out from behind as well. "Liv!"

Liv smiled at the two of them, going in for a group hug.

"We're so glad you're still here," Ray says, smiling.

"Me too, honestly," Liv laughed. "I burned that stupid letter I was going to send. I could never leave Hogwarts."

"Good!" Logan smiled. "Now, where were you headed?"

"Well, I have to meet up with Lily and Xenophilius in an hour, so I was going to go and rest by the Black Lake for a bit." Liv admits. "Would you two like to come with?"

"Sure!" Logan chimed. "Ray and I have dates with Sirius and Remus later, though, so we won't stay too long."

Liv smiled. "That's great!"

They walked to the lake in silence. A comfortable silence, really. Liv was a bit envious of Logan and Ray. They were dating two of her best friends; Sirius, the charmer of the group, and Remus, the sweet, shy bookworm. They were truly lucky to be with them. Liv wondered if she would ever find love, or if she'd just live life being endlessly confused, and having others confused about their feelings for her. She let out a small sigh at the thought. Nobody questioned her.

"That walk took a bit longer than expected," Ray chuckled. "Logan and I should get ready for our double date. How about the three of us meet around here tomorrow during free period and hang out?"

"Sounds good to me! Have fun, girls!" Liv smiled, waving to her friends as they happily walked off, chattering about what they were going to wear. Liv sighed once again, laying down by the side of the lake, lost in her thoughts once again. Was she ever going to find someone? Who knows?

Before she could start thinking about anything else, someone else lay down next to her. She didn't turn to see who it was, but she had a good idea. "Oh, hey Xeno."

"Not Xenophilius," a voice said. James. Liv recognized his voice. She jumped a bit.

"James? What...What are you doing here?" Liv asked curiously, turning her head to look at James. He turned his head as well.

"I'm an arsehole," James admits. Liv chuckles.

"I'd drink to that," Liv teased, laughing a bit. "Really though, what's up?"

"I treated you like shit when you were there to support me through a difficult time. But I've been nothing but an arse to you, and I'm sorry." James told her. It seemed like a genuine apology.

"I've been getting a lot of those apologies lately," Liv chuckled. "but it's okay, James. You're my best friend and best friends fight."

"That isn't an excuse for what an arse I've been," James tells her. "And I'm extremely sorry that I kissed you and acted like it was absolutely nothing. See, Liv, the truth is-"

Before James could continue, Xenophilius ran up to the two. "Oh...Am I interrupting something?"

James stood up. "No, not at all. Liv, I'll see you later."

Liv stood up, calling after James. "James! Wait!"

But James kept walking. Liv sighed, turning to Xenophilius.

"I'm sorry...I have the worst timing, I know." he frowned.

"It-It's fine, Xenophilius. But now, I'm not in the mood to discuss our conspiracy. Postpone our meeting until tomorrow," Liv told him, walking away.

"Okay! I'll tell Lily!" Xeno shouted.

"Thanks!" Liv shouted, continuing to walk away. She walked into the Gryffindor common room to see Peter on the couch. He beamed when he saw her.

"Liv! I haven't seen you in a while!" He grinned and gave her a big hug. Liv laughed happily. "How have you been?"

"I'm surviving," Liv smiles weakly. "Did Remus and Sirius already go on their double date with Ray and Logan?"

"We're right here!" Sirius shouts, coming into the main part of the common room, Remus next to him. Remus fiddled with his bowtie, smiling at Liv.

Liv ran up to them, attacking them with a hug. "I've missed you guys."

"We missed you too," Remus smiles.

"Well, let's talk after your date! Go, have fun, you two!" Liv smiled.

"You're coming with us." Sirius smirks.

"What? But I don't have a date!" Liv protests.

"So what? Logan and Ray won't care." Remus assures her, practically pushing her out of the common room, Sirius chuckling in the background.

"Are you serious?!"

"No, I am!" Sirius chimes.

Liv chuckled. "I just, I don't want to ruin your date. We can all talk after. Really."

"Liv," Remus laughs. "It's fine. Come on."

"Fineeee," Liv chuckles. "But if any of you want me to leave at any time, I won't be offended. I'll leave."

"There'll be no need for that." Sirius assures her. They then arrive to Madam Puddifoot's.

"This place? Really?" Liv teased with a huge smile on her face, walking in with her friends. Logan and Ray seemed happy to see Liv.

"You know, Liv, coming here without a date makes you seem like one of those powerful feminists," Logan smiles.

Liv chuckled loudly. "Thanks. Don't tell anyone, but I wouldn't mind if I had a date right now. Hopefully I'm still the powerful feminist you viewed me as."

"You always will be, Liv," Ray grinned and took a sip of tea.

"You're the best," Liv smiled and also took a sip of tea. After a few minutes of conversation, Lucius walked in. He seemed nervous about something.

"Oh, look, Liv has a date after all," Sirius muttered under his breath, chuckling.

Liv kicked him from under the table, a small smirk plastered across her face. She then stood up, walking over to her brother. "Lucius? What are you doing here?"

"We should probably talk," Lucius told her. "Mind if I steal you away from the date that you're third wheeling?"

"No, it's fine." Liv told him, waving to her friends. Lucius took her to the Slytherin common room. "Lucius? What's up?"

Lucius sighed, hardly even able to look at his younger sister. "Liv...Liv, Liv, Liv..."

"SPIT IT OUT LUCIUS!" Liv yelled, unable to remain calm anymore. He was pissing her off.

"Fine. Well, if you must know, today I saw Severus walk deep into the Forbidden Forest. So of course, I followed him! And he walked very far into the forest. Like, the furthest I've been in there for sure. He was meeting up with this hooded figure who looked very suspicious. I couldn't see the face at all. And then, they just apparated away. It was so weird. And Severus was wearing the same cloak, except his hood wasn't on until they were getting ready to apparate. Liv, if this isn't proof that he's a Death Eater, I don't know what else is!" Lucius whispered as he explained what he saw.

"Lucius, you're pathetic," Liv sighed. "I know what you think you saw, but it can't be true. Xenophilius and I will prove you wrong."

"Alright. Try proving me wrong after I saw that," Lucius sassed and walked away.

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