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"Liv! I was looking for you all day!" Remus exclaimed once he saw Liv walking into the common room. "Peter, Sirius, and I were worried sick!"

"Wait, did you just say Sirius?" Liv asked, clearly confused and a bit shocked.

"Yeah. He has some stuff he'd like to say to you..." Remus told her and coughed loudly. Sirius popped out like the cough was a signal.

"Hi, Liv..." Sirius greeted, looking at Liv with guilt in his eyes.

"Hey." Liv responded quietly, refusing to look in his eyes for more than two seconds.

"I'm sorry about leaving you at the Ball. I was too cowardly to tell you I met someone else." Sirius apologized, his eyes begging Liv to look at him. She finally did. She could tell it was a genuine apology.

Without saying anything, Liv put her arms around Sirius for a hug. They stayed in the hug silently for a few minutes.

"It's okay, Sirius. I just need you to be here for me right now and be my friend, okay?" Liv asked of him. Sirius nodded quickly.

"Of course." He smiled at her and pat her on the back. "Now, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Liv nodded, and as if on cue, a girl walked out from behind a chair. Liv recognized her as the girl Sirius ran off with. She dismissed that for now.

"Hey, I'm Liv." She greeted cheerfully and extended her hand out.

"I'm Logan," Logan smiled nervously, but gladly shook Liv's hand.

"Nice to meet you!" Liv once again smiled at Logan.

"You as well."

"Do you want to get butterbeer sometime? When are you available?" Liv offered.

"How's next Saturday at 4:00?" Logan suggested.

"Sure! See you then." Liv smiled widely. "Well, I'm going up to the dorm now."

"Wait!" Remus yelled. "I found this for you."

Remus handed her a small envelope with her name on it nicely written. Liv raised an eyebrow and opened the letter. It read;

Please meet me at the Black Lake when you can. I'll be waiting.

Liv didn't know who it was exactly, but she decided to go anyway. It was about a ten minute walk to the lake, and she saw a hooded figure sitting by the lake. She started to get a bit scared. Liv sat by the figure. He took his hood off.

"Oh, Severus, it's just you!" Liv sighed of relief. "What's going on? Why are we so far from the grounds? Why were you wearing a hood?"

"Liv, I don't know what to do anymore. I really care about Lily and I didn't mean to call her a mudblood. It pains me to even admit I did it. I feel ashamed to show my face. I don't want people to see you with me." Severus explained, his tone making it seem like he was about to cry.

Liv frowned and put an arm around Severus. He pushed her arm away.

"What can I do to help you?" Liv asked him thoughtfully.

"I don't know." Severus sighed.

"If it makes you feel any better, Lily won't talk to me either. She only talks to James now apparently." She spat.

No reply from Severus.

"Sev? You've been acting strange lat—"

"I'm fine!" Severus snapped. Liv knew something was wrong but she decided to give him space. They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Severus finally stood up. "I should go."

"Let me know if you ever need me, okay?"

"Alright. Thanks." Severus monotonously replied and walked away, pulling his hood over his face. Liv still sat by the lake, admiring the weather and the sunset. After a few minutes, she felt someone next to her. She gasped a bit.

"Sorry to startle you!" The boy chuckled. It was the blonde boy from earlier; the one at the other end of the Ravenclaw table.

"It's no problem." Liv laughed weakly.

"Can I tell you something crazy?"

"That was a bit sudden," Liv teased. "But sure!"

"I don't think Severus is a Death Eater, contrary to popular belief. And believe me, it's all people are talking about right now. I'm not involved in gossip because I'm a bit of an outcast, but it's hard to avoid this rumor. But I just don't think he's a Death Eater! I think he's just posing," The boy explained.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in from someone I just met." Liv laughed. "I don't even know your name."

"Xenophilius Lovegood." He finally introduced himself, giving Liv a small smile.

"I'm Liv Malfoy. Don't judge the last name, please." She smiled back at him.

"Nice to meet you!" Xenophilius exclaimed. "Now, do you agree with me or not?"

"I think you do have a point. Severus is too caring and friendly to be a Death Eater even if he comes off as cold." Liv explained.

"I know this is crazy because we just met, but do you want to try to solve this and get answers together?" Xenophilius suggested nervously, a small blush creeping onto his face. "Everyone thinks I'm mad and no one will agree with me..."

Liv thought about it for a moment even though she already knew she would say yes. "Yes, I'll help."

"Thank you." Xenophilius smiled at her once again. "Even though you're always with Gryffindors, you're a Ravenclaw, right?"

"Correct." Liv responded. "Come find me whenever you want to discuss things." She stood up and walked away.

Xenophilius was excited. He finally met someone who didn't judge him, make fun of him, or call him loony or crazy! He was looking forward to getting to know his new Ravenclaw friend and solving the mystery that is Severus Snape.

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