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"So, Severus has been acting really...off  lately," Lily starts, biting her lip. "I don't know what's going on. We tell each other everything, but I guess not this time. I feel like if I bring it up, he'll deny it and call me silly. He was acting even weirder today. Usually he tells me a lot of things, but today he was silent and let me do all the talking. It didn't even seem like he was listening. He was fidgeting a bit and clearly starting off into space. He then took off without saying where he was going, and thanked me for the butterbeer I got for him, but he didn't even take a sip. Maybe something is bothering him?"

"You're a great friend for being concerned, Lily." Liv assured her. "maybe it's something personal that he can't even tell you?"

"But he's told me stuff he couldn't tell anyone else before. Things he was sworn to secrecy on, no matter how serious the consequences." Lily protests, leaning back in her chair again.

"Maybe it's something he's really embarrassed about." Ray suggests. "If his behavior gets worse, confront him."

"But make sure to do it in a manner that won't make him feel uncomfortable. Just casually slip it into conversation." Liv adds.

"Thanks you two. You're a real help!" Lily exclaims, sitting upright in her chair once again. "I'm going to go get some rest now. Thanks for all the help, really!" 

And with that, Lily Evans exited The Three Broomsticks with a new mindset. A new plan. She was feeling better than ever, but still decided she'd observe Severus over the next few days. All a part of her master plan. If it wasn't for Ray and Liv, she wouldn't know what exactly to do and she'd be making decisions based on her gut feeling right there in the moment. While this can be helpful sometimes, the other times it leads to consequences. 

Ray and Liv high-fived each other as Lily ran out of the building. 

"We're a good team." Ray grinned.

"We are! I'm glad Remus introduced us." Liv agreed. "Ya know, you'd be good for Re-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there!" Ray chuckled and lightly pushed Liv, but Liv decided to take it as she pushed her hard, and she fell out of her seat. Ray laughed and started to say "I don't know her!" and point to her new friend who was on the floor. She helped her up eventually. 

"You know, James has been acting weird lately too, if I can recall..." Liv admits as she sat back down.

"Maybe Severus and James are fighting?" Ray guessed.

"No, it can't be. James and Sev don't really fight. James just annoys him sometimes, and he never lets it get to him." Liv explains, biting her lip and trying to think.

"Why are our friends so mysterious?" Ray sighed, but still had a smile present on her face.

"I don't know. Usually I'm the mysterious one." She laughed and stood up. Ray did as well, and they walked out of The Three Broomsticks confused as ever, but they still had a good time. 

As Liv walked back to the common room with Ray, Liv saw Lucius standing in the doorway.

"What do you need Malfoy?" Ray asked irritably.

"To talk to Liv." Lucius responds casually with a bit of a smug expression on his face.

"Why?" Ray demanded. "Are you going to hurt her?"

"Ray, I'll explain later." Liv assured her and walked away with Lucius. "What's up?"

"I have some suspicions about Severus. I can see that Lily is concerned about him, and I think I know what's going on with him." Lucius explains.

"How would you know?" Liv asked quietly. 

"Severus and I talk sometimes," Lucius shrugged. "Plus, I know what's going on with Severus most of the time when others don't. He doesn't even have to tell me."

"Alright, what is it?" Liv asked curiously, feeling a bit nervous.

"I think he's a Death Eater." 

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