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Liv huffed angrily after her brother abandoned her in the Slytherin common room. She sighed and stormed out of there, making her way to the Gryffindor common room. She didn't need to be in solitude anymore; she needed to be with her friends. 

Thankfully, Peter was waiting for her on the couch. "How was the date?" he asked.

Liv chuckled. "Pretty sure it wasn't a date since I was there. And plus, I had to leave early because my brother wanted to speak to me."

Peter nods. "And what did he say?"

"He told me something about Severus. Probably a stupid rumor. You know Lucius loves a good rumor," Liv told him, sighing and laying down on the floor in dismay. 

"Don't listen to him, Liv." Peter advised. 

"Yeah, I know, but most of the time he is right," she reminds herself and Peter. "Remember the Yule Ball? He told me Sirius' absurd plans, and he ended up being right about it."

"But that was one time," Peter protests. 

"Yeah, but-"

"Really, Liv, you'll feel a lot better if you don't let your brother get to your head," Peter tells her.

"I guess you're right," Liv nodded. After a few minutes of silence between the two, Remus and Sirius walked into the common room with big smiles on their face. Usually Liv would smirk and tease them a bit, maybe even ruffle their hair, but she was exhausted. She didn't even get up to look at them. 

Remus lay down on the floor next to Liv. "Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing," Liv dismissed. "How was your date?"

Remus smiled widely. "It was amazing..."

Now Liv was smirking. "Tell me!"

"After we all finished our tea, Sirius and Logan went their separate ways while Ray and I did the same," Remus explained, his smile growing even wider. "I took her to the library and we read some of our favorite books together while snuggled up next to each other. It was wonderful."

Liv smiled weakly. She and Remus used to do the same thing at night, and now he was doing that with his significant other. She was happy for him, though. "Oh, Moony, that's great!" she beamed, not letting the fact that she was a tiny bit jealous get the best of her.

"Isn't it?" Remus gushed. 

"And what about you, Padfoot? C'mere!" Liv encouraged. Sirius lay down on the other side of Liv.

"Well..." Sirius smirked. "While Moony and Ray-Ray were readin' it up, Logan and I got it on by the lake."

"PADFOOT!" Liv exclaimed, laughing and elbowing him in the shoulder. "That's my place! You better not have gone too far!" she teased.

"Just a lot of heated, passionate snogging," Sirius smirked. Liv elbowed him again, laughing hysterically.

"Gross!" Liv chuckled. "Well, at least you all had fun!"

"Yeah, definitely." Remus smiled dreamily. 

Sirius nodded while displaying his signature smirk. 

"Good," Liv smiled and finally stood up. "Well, does anyone know where James is? I saw him earlier today and we were going to talk, but Xenophilius interrupted and James just ran off."

"Honestly, he hasn't been hanging out with us as much," Peter admits.

"Yeah! He didn't even wanna prank Snivellus the other day," Sirius adds.

"He just isn't himself lately," Remus chimes in.

"Oh, he's been like this for a while. It's just the first time you all are noticing it," Liv pointed out. "Now, does anyone have any idea where he could be?"

"Well, I tried the dorm a few minutes before you got here, and he wasn't there." Peter told her.

"We passed through the Great Hall on our way back and we didn't see him," Sirius said. "And he certainly wasn't near the lake."

"Ray and I didn't see him at the library, but he wouldn't be caught dead there anyway," Remus chuckled.

"Idiots," Liv laughed. "No one checked Honeydukes or Zonko's?"

"Good point." Peter says. "Go find him, will you?" 

"I'll sure try," Liv smiled and she set off to find her best friend. As she was walking outside, though, a cloak-like item was thrown over her and her vision went black. 

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