Rosanna had her bags packed and was on the phone to Andy who was sad that she was leaving for so long.

"Baby I'll come back of course," Rosanna said as she stuffed her last suitcase.

"I know I know, and I want you to go, it just that, I'm gonna miss you so much," Andy said.

"I'm gonna miss you so much too," Rosanna said. "I promise I'll come and see you any chance we get."

"Okay, I love you so much, be safe," Andy replied.

"I will. I love you," Rosanna said. "I'll call you when I land."

"Alright I'm counting on it," Andy said. "I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye," Rosanna smiled. Andy said his farewell and she ended the call. Almost immediately her phone rung, this time it was Alex telling her he was five minutes away.

  She had a shockingly large amount of bags packed just like the other times she'd gone on tour with the Monkeys. She always over packed but rathered that than not packing enough. Alex lent her two of his travelling suitcases, they were huge but still she struggled to fit everything in.

  There was a knock at the door and Rosanna opened it to be greeted with Alex's smiling face. 

  "Need help with yer bags?" Alex asked, looking them over.

  "Yes please," Rosanna said, relieved.

  The two carried her bags down to Alex's car and shoved them into the backseat. They then drove to a meetup point where the rest of the band was. The bags were transferred into large black vans along with everyone else and they started for the airport.

  Halfway through the trip it hit Rosanna that she was going to have to walk through paparazzi once they arrived. She didn't know how the boys did it, she hated having to hide and run from the media and they had to do that their entire lives. She couldn't imagine going to the shops and being ambushed by cameras and questions. She only had to deal with it when she was with them and even then, the attention wasn't on her. The paparazzi was terrifying. She looked at Alex and Matt who shared the car with her and felt terrible for them.

  "What's wrong?" Alex asked with furrowed brows once he noticed Rosanna's expression.

  Rosanna shook her head, "nothing."

  The car pulled to a stop and the driver told them that they'd arrived at the airport. Alex and Matt slid on a pair of sunglasses and prepared themselves for the run from the car to inside the airport.

"Ready?" Alex asked Rosanna. She nodded and a security guard on the other side opened the van door. Alex and Matt exited first and quickly made their way to the airport doors. There were security guards guiding them and they shielded their faces as they tried to avoid the flashing cameras.

Rosanna didn't like photos so kept her head down so that her dark hair would hide her face. Alex waited for her at the door and raised a hand as a wave to some of the cameras. As soon as they were all inside they made their way to pick up their bags and then to their plane.

The band's team helped them board the plane safely and stowed away their luggage. Finding their seats, Alex and Rosanna sat next to each other with Matt and Nick in front of them and Jamie and Katie behind them. Katie was only joining them for the North and South American legs of the tour, Matt had his coming on the Australian and New Zealand leg and Nick claimed he had his plus one joining them during the European leg.

Everyone slept the majority of the plane ride, preparing for the journey ahead. Everyone except Rosanna. She hated sleeping on planes. Especially during the day. It was a long flight and she didn't expect herself to fall asleep any time soon. She just sat there, watching movie after movie until the sun began to set over the clouds and she began to grow tired.

Maybe It's Been You All Along - Alex Turnerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें