16- reminisces

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  as the day passes by
from the wonders of the sea
and the stars mapping our souls
to make our own constellation,
i can see why i missed you so much.

the sky painted a hazy sunset,
a concoction of purple and orange,
and the slow clash of the waves
against the metal of the boat
lulled me in its illusion.
the consistent hum of the engine
didn't sound at all annoying,
and the accompanied squeaks
of gray dolphins passing by
screamed for me to run away
from home to stay with them.
i can see why i missed you so much.

the soft smiles between us
held so much of what i wanted
and the lyrics of our heartbeats
wrote a song so beautiful
i couldn't describe with words.
and as i can see the slow trickle
of dark blues against the sky
and the wooden dock getting closer,
resting amoungst
rays of gold city lights,
i can see why i missed you so much.


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