Chapter 6

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Guess who's POV it is..... YEP YOU GUESSED IT RIGHTTT 😉😉.....


Knocking on his office door, I waited patiently for him to answer while tapping my foot. After a minute of silence, his deep voice rumbled throughout the room as he faintly answered with a "come in". Opening the door just a little, I peeked in to see him on his computer typing away absentmindedly and as he glanced up, I paid him a small smile as I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. A grin stretched across his face and shutting his computer down, he stood up and made his way over.

"I brought you food, you haven't eaten since this morning", My voice faltered a bit when he neared me. Even after three years, he still made my heart pound and my hands sweaty.

Looking down at the contents my hands held, his face brightened up and gingerly took the plate away from me to place it on the desk beside him. Returning his attention to me, his hands reached up and pulled me closer. My whole body responded to his calling as I gazed up into his eyes. His hands discreetly explored every inch of me until they stopped at the bump of my stomach. Our boy moved around as his warm hands gently stroked my belly and settled around where Sebastian's hands lay.

"We can't wait to meet you, my little boy", Cooing, he bent down to peck my stomach.

A small giggle erupted from me but was immediately stopped when I felt pain resonate through my back. Shivering, I stared at Sebastian with frightened eyes. My hands acting on their on, gripped his tightly and when he glanced up, his brows furrowed with worry and confusion. Grinding my teeth in pain, I tugged his hand and seeming to get my message, he hastily stood up.

"I-I think his eager to meet you too", My voice came out a little breathy.

"Shit, he's coming?", His eyes widened as he stared at me in panic.

Nodding my head, my face contorted in pain as I felt another sharp jab radiate throughout my back. Clutching my stomach, I flinched as water dripped down my thighs and as Sebastian's attention strayed away from me, he let out another curse and fished his phone out of his pocket. Ordering Damon to get the car ready, he hung up and carried me out of his office room.

Feeling no energy to argue, I gripped his shirt as I felt the urge to push. Keeping the groan that wanted to escape, I closed my eyes and my hands subconsciously went to the back of Sebastian's neck. I didn't even know how he managed to carry me all the way down the stairs without puffing a breath of air seeing as I was heavy but I was thankful since my legs felt weak to walk.

Sophia was by my side in the blink of an eye and she ordered Hunter to get my duffel bag from the nursery. Seeing Hunter's frantic eyes I almost felt bad for him, but when I felt another sharp jolt, my thoughts halted in place. Jogging towards the door with me in his arms, he walked out of the mansion and swiftly placed me on the backseat while settling in beside me.

"Just breathe, Mi Amore, everything will be fine", Stroking my hair gently, his grip tightened on me.

Doing as he instructed, I diverted my attention and let out puffs of air as the pain got worse. Not knowing what to do, I gripped Sebastian's forearm and prayed to god that we could get to the hospital faster. A few minutes later, the car jerked forward and came to a stop in front of the private hospital that Sebastian bought when I was pregnant with our daughter Madison.

Opening the door Sebastian got out and gripped my hands to help me get out of the car. As soon as the nurses saw us they came out with a stretcher where Sebastian laid me down. Breathing in deeply, I let out a wince as the contractions got worse. The nurses rushed us into the emergency room, not having the energy to look around, I laid still until the doctor came in.

"I am right here with you Mi Amore", Kissing me on the forehead, Sebastian clasped my hand in his.

"How are you feeling sweetie?", Dr. Richardson asked while checking how many centimeters I was dilated.

"Like I am about to give birth", Nodding his head, the doctor let out a chuckle while preparing me.

"I'd say we give you epidural, but since you're already dilated enough to push, you just have to bear through the pain", He continued on to explain how it was going to work.

The nurses piled in one by one and as the time ticked by, the contradictions got worse and when the doctor told me to begin pushing, it was music to my ears. With all my might, I started to push while gripping Sebastian's hand tight enough to break it.

"I see the head, come on Amelia give me one good push", Dr. Richardson exclaimed excitedly, his eyes glistening with sincerity.

"It hurts", A little whimper fell through my lips as I continued to push.

"Hey hey, Mi Amore, look at me", His hands clasped onto my chin and tilted my head upwards to meet his gaze.

"You're the strongest woman I've ever met, you can do this", Nodding my head at his assuring words, I gave one last push and sagged with relief as he let out the loudest cry.

"Congrats, you have a little baby boy", The Doctor gave us a smile as the nurses started to clean my bundle of joy up.

After a moment, a nurse came with my baby boy in her hands and laid him gently in my arms. My eyes shone with tears as I looked him over. He looked just like his dad, bringing him closer, I pecked him on the forehead. Turning my attention to Sebastian, I saw he was watching us with a calm expression on his face but I could see the tears beginning to form in his eyes.

Beckoning him closer, I watched as he extended his hands and with a smile, I laid our baby boy in his arms. Letting out a sigh, my head hit the pillows as exhaustion began to take over my whole being and the last thing I saw was Sebastian smiling over at my direction.


Hey guys so I am back, well back for today, but I promise as soon as the exams are over and done with, I will invest most of my time to finish this story seeing as how Sophia and Damon are progressing a little slower for my liking, but please bear with me.

I just love how Amelia's confidence grew throughout the years like yass queen work it.

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Mending Hearts (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora