I think about it for another few minutes, there really is not anything that I can do on the train by myself. Sure, Jordon is up right now, but he might want to go back to sleep himself. "I guess I should, I'm just worried if I start having a nightmare that someone should wake me up before I scream or something," I tell him. I hope he takes a hint and if he is awake when I have a nightmare that he would be able to help me out. He gives me a sympathetic smile. "Sure thing, I will wake you if you start. Just one thing I wanna know first, is there anything going on between you and Jorel?" he asks me. I smile at him before shaking my head. "We are just really good friends, we have known each other since we were babies," I tell him. I am bi-sexual, but people believe it is wrong to like both men and women. I should just like women.

He seemed to have either run out of things to say or he saw me struggling to keep my eyes open as I get more exhausted. I am going to use this as my opportunity to get some rest now while the train is quiet and everything. "Night Jordon," I mumble, even though I know it might not actually be the night time right now. Nobody can really tell whether it is day or night. They have kinda of modified some cattle trucks to transport the soldiers from wherever they come from to the base camp. "Night Danny," Jordon replies. I drift off to sleep moments later. Hopefully I can sleep without having any nightmares.


A few hours later – Private Danny Murillo's point of view

Jordon is shaking my shoulder as I wake up. I felt someone shaking me in my dream and it must have been him. "You were having a nightmare Danny," Jordon says, I felt so glad that he did decide to wake me up. I can remember bits and pieces of the dream and it was not pleasant to say the least. "Thanks for waking me up Jordon," I tell him, while I am rubbing my eyes. Jorel and the others are still fast asleep which is good. They need their rest. I didn't want to wake Jorel up for comfort, he needs to sleep. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask, wondering if it was for the same brief time as earlier. I felt a bit better rested, so I doubt it. He just shrugs at me. "I think it was longer than earlier," he tells me. I forgot for a brief moment that we have no way of knowing what the time is.

"Do you need any more sleep at the moment?" I ask him, no point saying his name because he is the only one I am speaking to. "I will be okay, I think we have a while left of traveling so I might sleep again. We have time to sleep when we get there too," Jordon replies. He was not privy to the conversation I had with Jorel and Dylan about the travel earlier, but if he wants to know I will tell him we arrive sometime tomorrow, and the officers have watches on them, so we could always ask if we need to. "Yeah, from what Rigo has told me we start training the morning after we arrive," I tell him. Since they know about my brother they know that I am a bit more knowledgeable on what the training is. "Your brother will want to see you when we get there won't he?" Jordon asks, and I nod at him.

"He will, he might be a little angry with me though," I tell him. He looked a little shocked by that. We have only known each other a few hours and I am not quite willing to tell him my life story, but I will tell him anything about my life that I am comfortable with sharing. "Why would he be angry at you? Shouldn't he be happy that he gets to see you again?" Jordon asks me. I let out a little sigh, why did my family life have to be so damn complicated? "He doesn't like how things are at home. He also didn't really want me to sign up for this. He would have preferred it if I could stay at home where everything was safer because I am the youngest," I tell him. I hope that Jordon won't ask further about how things are at home.

He will probably learn eventually what my father is really like. They all will, it is inevitable that he will do something that will bring the abuse to the spotlight. Since I don't really know Jordon right now, I don't really want him to know too much information about my personal life right now. I am sure he feels the same way about his personal life. I am quite surprised that I have not said anything in my sleep about the abuse. All though, I have been known to speak in weird sort of fragmented sentences in my sleep where you can only hear one word clearly. Mother has said that she has heard me talking in my sleep after a stressful day, but I don't really make much sense.

Paradise Lostजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें