Chapter 2

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Welcome to chapter 2

BTW if you see CSM it means Command Sergeant Major.. when I wrote this out I knew I was not going to be writing this out in full.



Back on the train ~ January 12th, 1917 – Private Danny Murillo's point of view

"That is all I can remember from that day," I tell them both. Dylan knows from the attack part to me leaving the café. Jorel knows nothing about what happened that day, but he knows some of the aftermath. "You were out of it for the whole of yesterday, your mother panicked quite a bit until you woke up really late in the evening," Jorel says. That makes sense to me, I don't really remember anything from yesterday. Dylan squeezes my shoulder for comfort, it is good to know he cares about me too and they are more at ease now I seem to be doing fine. "Yeah, my father thought that he had killed me. I just did not respond to anything at all," I tell them. It was a weird day yesterday for sure, mother didn't even really want me to get on the train earlier, but Jorel assured her enough that I was going to be looked after.

No one else on the train has heard my café story which is good for me. I don't really want everyone on the train to know my father has beaten me up and that he does it quite regularly. The guys I have just made friends with might not even know for a while. "I went over yesterday like I said because your mother freak out and you just stayed unconscious on the cot bed all day. Nothing could have woken you up. I do remember you had a high fever that day too," Jorel tells me, I remember that I woke up briefly a couple of times and felt all clammy and stuff. "That's probably because he got me with his belt on my back and they might get infected," I tell him. I have no doubt he puts stuff on his belt when he wants to hit me with it. He loves causing me pain.

Rigo's gonna look after you when we get there and help you I am sure of it," Jorel tells me. I have no doubt when Rigo finds out what happened that he would be looking after me. We should really go back to sleep. Rigo told me that travelling to the camp takes at least two days and we are only on day one right now from what I know. We had lunch, but not dinner or breakfast which leads me to believe that we are still on day one. I yawn, I'm very tired even though I slept for most of the day yesterday. "We should get some more sleep, we have another day of travelling left before we get there," I tell them, and I rest my head on Jorel's shoulder. I love cuddling up with Jorel before falling asleep on him.

"Another day? How will we cope like this?" Dylan says, being a little bit over dramatic which I have come to learn that is his personality. I chuckle and so does Jorel. "We will be fine Dylan, we will be fed and given water while we are travel," I tell him. When I look to my friend Jorel a few minutes later and my older friend is now fast asleep, but he is holding me protectively. It didn't take long after our conversation ends for Dylan to fall asleep, leaving me the only who is awake on the train who is not one of the officers at the end of the carriage to keep an eye on us. I don't mind being the only one awake out of the group of friends that we have. I am used to being, the insomniac out of the group too.

Jordon woke up about two minutes after Dylan has fallen asleep. Well, I assumed that a couple of minutes have passed. He notices that I am the only one awake out of our friends. "Danny, have you been awake the entire time?" Jordon asks me, I think he is quite concerned for me. Jorel has rested his head against mine in his sleep but I am still comfortable enough to fall asleep on my own. "Yeah, well I had a couple of minutes of sleep earlier, but that was it really," I tell him before yawning again. I want sleep so bad, but at the same time I don't want to have a nightmare, wake the whole train up and be embarrassed. "You should get some sleep Danny," Jordon tells me. I am not taking my own advice here that's for sure.

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