Discontinuing + new k-pop acc

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Ill just tell all of you guys this now instead of making you wait for any more updates. I've thought about this for a very long while. And even though I am sad to say it, I just can't find anymore inspiration to write for Loki anymore. So I will be discontinuing this book. Maybe one day ill come back to it but I highly doubt it because I will be leaving this account in a while and making a whole new one from scratch. It will be k-pop realated though so be warned, if you don't like it you don't have to hate, you can just stop reading this now. If there is any one of you guys that would like to know the name of the new account just dm me and ill tell you(I highly doubt any of you will but if you do ill happily tell you the name of the account and when I will be making the account) I will also be moving on to Tumblr(that account has been made already) and maybe afterwards AO3. The account will just be mainly the same thing as on tumblr ill just be taking requests and posting the same fanfiction on tumblr. Again, im sorry for any of you guys that are disappointed or sad but I just dont find inspiration anymore. And if I don't have inspiration then why write about it?

Love you all and I hope you have a great day!

- Alanis :)

- Alanis :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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