Cat Problem

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"Why are you even walking in your armor right now,were in Stark Tower"I say to Loki

"Just because its armor doesn't mean its not comfortable"He says and keeps walking down the hallway

"It looks uncomfortable"I say and touch his green cape,he stops walking and looks at me

"Stop touching it"He scowls at me

"No its soft and it feels like silk"I say and wrap my hand around it

"Im not going to be able to move if you do that so if you could, stop touching it"

I keep touching the cape anyways and we both flinch a little when we hear a door slam and a thundering voice penetrate our ears

"Brother, look what I found!"Thor says giddally with not one,nor too but three cats in his arms

"What is that?"Loki asks with a very confused face

"Those are cats"I say and walk over to Thor

The cats look at me with big eyes, there all babies and it looks like there all brothers, or sisters I dont really know. One of them begans to crawl out of Thors arms and into mine. I pet them softly trying not to scare them or hurt them in anyway. I didn't know if they were hurt so I petted them softly. They mewl for a bit until the look behind me and find Loki. They jump off me and go over to him. He looks at me confused not knowing what to do until they began to scratch on his cape and velcroing their little paws into it. He pulls on the cape trying to get them off but it doesent work. The kittens are glued to his cape.

"Awwww how cute!"Thor booms loudly

"Its not cute"Loki says under his breath pulling on his cape a little harder

"Dont do that,you might hurt them!"I say

"Then what do I do"He says and looks at me

"Let me just do something"I say and walk over to him. I kneel behind him at try to take the kittens off of his cape. But nothing happens they stay there pawing at the fabric.

"Okay I kind of have a idea"

"What kind of idea?"He asks

I dont explain and just pick up the kittens with his cape wrapping them in it. They looked content so I tried not to move them too much. Since the cape is long I take the kittens and put them in Loki's arms.

"Aw thats even cuter"Thor says

"Shut up"Loki mumbles

I snicker quietly and look at the kittens in his arms. They looked so cute all of them and I dont mean just the kittens.

"Now go sit down on the living room, they wil be staying there for a while"I say and boop one of the kittens nose making them meow. I giggle lightly

"Do I have to"He says

"Yes, you do"I say and smile at him

"Fine"He says and walks over to the couch

"Just asking but, were did you find those kittens?"I ask Thor

"They were in a box it seemed that they were free"He says

" sad, ill try and nurish them back to help they look a bit sick,not hurt to an extent though"I say

"They are sick oh I hope they get better!"He says and looks at the kittens in Loki's lap.

"Dont worry ill protect them"I say and punch his arm lightly

"Okay, I believe you it seems that you are very good at that"

"At what?"I ask a bit confused

"At helping others,I can see it when you are with Loki you help him even if you dont know notice it"He says and smiles at me

"Really? Well thanks...for telling me"

"No worries"

678 words

A/N-I started this like 2 days ago but my mom took my phone so sorry guys!

~Google out buh bye!


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