Miss her

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School has sucked these past few day, I am so sorry for not updating. But hey I have a request! Thank you WriterGirlme for requesting. Requests are still open so if you want to request then please do!

Warning: mentions of blood

(Y/N's POV)

I walk out the elevator doors, sweat dripping down my face while I try ad wipe away tiny droplets of blood coming from a wound right above my eyebrow. The Avengers and I had all went on a mission together, we all thought it would be pretty easy but it wasn't...it defenetly wasn't. We had gotten ambushed, I tried to use my invisibilty but somehow they found a way to block my magic, Loki's magic and Wanda's magic. It was hard but with all the training I had done with Loki the fight was a bit easier. That was until Loki saw something that distracted him and he got badly injured. I helped him up and got him to a safe place but after finishing the fight I was the only one that actually wanted to help him so I was left alone to do just that.

I accidently drop my hand and Loki falls to the floor, flat on his face, a small 'ow' coming out of his mouth.

"Sorry sorry" I say picking him up again. I take his limp arm and make him hug my neck

"Come on let's get you to a bathroom, I need to tend to your wounds" I say starting to walk to the bathroom

"I'll be fine, just let me go to my room" He says with a cold stare

"Loki I can't let you do that, I need to tend to you, your bleeding everywhere"

"Like I said, ill be fine" He says and pushes me off, grabbing onto the wall limply and walking to hus room.

"What's gotten into him today?" I say sighing and brushing a hand through my hair.

"Hey want me to patch you up?" I hear Wanda ask

"Yes please" I say, I'm too tired to do it myself so I let Wanda use her magic to help my wounds heal faster

"Thank you" I say to her when she finishes

"No problem!" She says with a smile and a wave

(A few day's later)

Loki has been quite distance these past few days, he hasn't been talking to anyone and hasn't been going out of his room as much. I decide im going to check up on him since I've been more worried about hin then usual these past few days. I walk to hus door and knock, hesitating a bit before doing it.

"Who is it? Thor I swear if its yo-" I hear Loki's voice accompanied by heavy footsteps and the sound of a thump which I imagine was something heavy.

The door opens and the first thing I see is a fuming Loki

"Thor I told you- oh (Y/N)....what are you doing here" He says coldly

"I came here to check up on you"

"Well ill have you know, I don't need checking up o-" I cut Loki off by pushing him lightly and walking into his room

"Mhm yeah sure, I believe you so much on that" I say sarcasn dripping from every word. I turn to Loki and I see him roll his eyes

"Come on Loki, no more joking. What's wrong?" I ask him, right when I say that Loki's face falls

"Please tell me"  I continue

He sighs, looks down and starts talking

"When we were fighting...I saw something....I saw a mother, with her child. It reminded me so much of Frigga and how she used to protect me, I miss her so much. I wish I could have done more to protect her, to have her here still. She was so nice, she was the only one that cared for me when I was a child. She helped me when I found out I was a frist giant...she's helped me with everything actually. I feel like I've failed her, I let her die and I did nothing to help her!" He shouts with tears in his eyes

"Loki, it's not your fault. Friggas death is not your fault in any way, shape or form. You never failed her either, she's proud of you and I know it. I mean look at you now, you've changed so much, and for the better too. Do not think like that Loki, you haven't failed her, you helped her when you could and she did not die in vain. She us proud of you and so am I, I love you and I hope you know that, ill help you whenever you need it" I say with a smile, but it quickly wears off when I think about what I just said.

I fumble with my words but decide to just shut up and look down, I dont even try and look at what Loki's face seems like right now. I assume hes mad, or maybe confused. I look up for a split second and before I can even say a word, a mouth is on mine and im kissing someone, Loki to be specific. He grabs my neck and pulls me towards him, I try to latch onto his hand to keep myself steady but he is having none of it and pulls me towards his lap. He kisses me eagerly and I respond just as eager.

"My love...did you really think I didn't love you just as much as you love me?" He says panting slightly

"I just...I wasn't sure if you liked me back" I say

"Darling, you are so wrong" He says and kisses me again

991 words

A/N - Well....that took a turn.  Hoped you liked it tho! Again, I am so sorry for not updating sooner. School has been a pain.

~Bye bye Loves!


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