Chapter 7: Fight for her

Start from the beginning

A laugh bubbled up and took the place of the sob that wanted to come out. I shook my head lightly as I cried against her shirt. I took a breath before I answered her, "No, I wouldn't want you to waste your time and energy. I'm done with him."

I pulled away from Lilith to grab my phone. I quickly texted him from my phone.

It read:

You cheated on me. We are done.

I sent the video as well, just in case he tried to deny it. After that I turned my phone off. Lilith rubbed my back soothingly as she let me cry on her shirt. She reminded me how great I am, and how Marcus never deserved me anyway. Lilith stayed by my side the whole weekend and got my mind off Marcus when I asked.

Yet as Sundy came, and I finally turned on my phone. I was flooded with texts from Marcus. Angry, accusatory, violent messages that shocked me. I worried about what I would tell my mom. Lilith reminded me that My mom didn't need to know what was or wasn't going on in my relationship. I wonder if things would of been different if I was just honest with my mom.

I shook my head, pulling myself back into the present with a small sad smile, as I thought that my mom's reaction probably wouldn't have changed. I turned back to face Marcus with his drink, mentally preparing myself for anymore of his shit.

Amazingly he just gave me the money, took the changes as well as the drink and left. I breathed a sigh of relief as I went to clock out. I noticed that the bags of trash were full, so I decided to take them out while I left. I sent a quick text to Lilith letting her know that I was on my way home. I grabbed the tops of the bags, tying them tightly before I carried them out the side door.

I spotted the familiar green dirty dumpster sat at the end of the alley. I bristly walked towards the dumpster, since I didn’t want to be around the horrible smell of garbage. I sat the bags down in front of me and walked to the side of the bags. I reached out and flunk one half of the top open in one quick motion.

“You really think you can just walk away from me?”, A voice asked me suddenly.

I jumped in fright as I turned around taking in the sight of Marcus. He looked pissed off as he walked down the alley, getting closer to me. I turned away from him, not wanting to deal with him at all. I quickly grabbed the bags of trash.

While tossing them into the dumpster as I spoke to him, “Just leave me alone, Marcus.”

I didn’t bother closing the dumpster back. I turned back around to see Marcus blocking the door back into the coffee shop. I eyes the end of the alley where the street is. Would he grab me before I could even start? Would he hurt me?

Marcus tilted his head as he spoke again, “You know it was your fault that I cheated, right? You were just too much to deal with. Always whining about your problems or worrying over me doing the littlest things for you. How do you expect anyone to love you when you don’t even love yourself?”

I felt my body tense. My eyes widened as his words echoed in my mind. My chest tightened as the little voice my head shouted that he was right. Maybe I did deserve to be cheated on. Maybe it was my fault. I was so lost in my thoughts. I didn’t realize how close Marcus got until he spoke again which sounded right in front of me.

“So I cheated, because I needed a break from you. Dealing with you can be so draining. But I see how you could be upset over what I did. I want you to know that I forgive you. We can get back together now. You won’t have to work at this stupid job or any job really. All you have to say is I’m yours, and I’ll take you back”, He grinned at me as he trapped me between him and the wall, using his arms.

“You really shouldn’t try to stake claim to someone who isn’t yours”, The husky voice of Conner reached my ears, which oddly sent a sense of calm through my body.

Marcus turned his head to face Conner and started at him with a bored expression, “Excuse me, this is my girlfriend. So if you don’t mind. Walk away, buddy.”

Conner let out a dark chuckle that made my stomach warm, while another part of me clenched with need. Conner stepped further into the alley, with purpose while he rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. I stared as his forearms came into view, a few of his veins were already visible. I pressed my legs together as I thought about him practically crushing me with those arms.

“I’m going to give you to the count of three to move your arms away from, my Doll”, Conner asked in a calm almost light hearted tone as he slipped his hands in his pockets.

His entire demoner looked calm. If I hadn’t be around Conner so much, and always found myself watching him. I probably wouldn’t have noticed the slight gleam of something promising danger in his dark brown eyes.

The thrill went through me as those eyes focused on me, and a smirk curled on his lips. I couldn’t help sigh like exhale as I swooned, he called me his Doll and he wants to protect me.

“Fuck you!”, Marcus cried out in rage as he rushed over with his fist raised and ready to hit Conner.

“Stop!”, I cried out in panic as I imagined Conner murdering Marcus in front of my eyes.

My cry was too late. Marcus threw the punch, aiming for Conner’s jaw. Conner grabbed marcus’ fist and threw a solid punch on marcus’s face. The crunching sound of his nose breaking gave me a very different thrill down my spine. I shivered in disgust as Conner pushed Marcus back with his disgust plainly shown on his face.

Marcus let out a pained groan between clenched teeth, that slowly started to stain red from the blood dripping down his nose. Marcus wiped the blood off his lips with his arm. Marcus raises his fists again, he took another swing, this one aim at Conner’s chest.

The punch was dodged by a quick side step by Conner. Conner landed another hard punch to Marcus’s right eye, then he landed a few punched at his chest. Marcus stumbled back further, his breaths coming out ragged. He once again lifted his fists and threw a few wild punches. Conner directed Marcus’s wild punches away, creating an opening. Conner laned a few very harsh punches to his face, that was enough to make Marcus stumble all the way back towards me.

I quickly moved out of the way causing Marcus to hit the wall harshly. The way his head bounced off the wall, made me laugh for some reason. I lifted a hand to cover my mouth lightly. This wasn’t a situation called for laughter. The way Marcus turned and stared at me, made me feel as if he agreed with me.

His voice trembled with rage and pain as he yelled at me, “I’m fighting for you. And your laughing at me you ungrateful, needy bitch!”

His rage could be seen clearly by his wide eyes, the way his nostrils flared and the veins that could be seen on his neck. I didn’t felt like a young adult in this moment. I felt like a toddler, that only knows being yelled at is horrifying. I froze on the spot, which gave Marcus the opportunity to grab my arm.

Conner suddenly grabbed Marcus’s wrist and twisted his arm behind his back. Connor's voice came out in that calm tone again, “You really shouldn’t touch someone that isn’t yours either. I think you’ll need a reminder of this.”

I watched in shock as Conner snapped Marcus’s forearm. The sound of his bone snapping and the start of his blood curdling scream made me cringe. The scream never finished because Conner smashed Marcus’s head against the wall which knocked him out cold. Conner turned to me, looked me from head to toe.

His jaw clenched and a scowl settled on his face before he asked, “Are you alright Doll?”

A/N: Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment! The next chapter should be up next week!

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