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I stare in confusion as Yoongi shoves all of us aside—including his own mate—and runs to Jungkook, his old beta. I'm shocked to see him here. Never thought I'd see any of them again honestly.
Glancing around, I see pure rage on Hoseok's face as Taehyung jerks him back and Namjoon just looks distracted—his eyes elsewhere.
Following his gaze, I notice Jimin for the first time. Hiding away from us around the corner of the stairs. He looks awful. Hair wet and shirt drooping off his pale shoulder blade, I notice deep red marks on his skin.
I frown, concerned. Not knowing what situation to approach first. Yoongi drops to his knees before the barely conscious beta and grabs his hand. Hoseok just about loses it.
"Get the fuck away from him now!"
Yoongi turns his head, glaring, not moving. "Leave us alone! I want to talk to him!"
The alpha roars. "Over my dead fucking body—or better yet—his!" He lurches forward but my own mate takes control and forcibly honors Yoongi's wishes and drags his aggressed brother up the stairs with Namjoon's help.
I hesitate, feeling lost. Jimin sits at the foot of the stairs and I realize he's shaking. Eyes puffy and dark circles filling them. I move to his side while Yoongi tries to wake the injured beta.
I don't think Yoongi is making the right decision by ignoring his mate but it's not my problem.
"Jimin, what's wrong?"
He flinches at my voice and wrings his hands. I notice he Not like himself. Frowning, I lean in and scent him. "Stop. Please." He whispers.
Pulling back, I stare at him, confused. "What happened? Why are there marks all over you?"
Trembling, he bites his lower lip, shaking his head. "I f-fell getting out of the tub. I'll be fine." He forces a smile I don't believe in for one second.
I want to press the issue and his obvious lies but my attention is pulled away by Jungkook's voice.
His eyes are wide and shocked. "Y-Yoongi?" His gaze trails around the room pausing on us as well. He gasps. "Holy shit! I actually found you! You were kidnapped! I knew it!" He struggles to free himself of the chains but can't.
I sigh, looking away.
Yoongi presses his lips into a white line. "No. No, Jungkook. I'm sorry but we left on our own. It wasn't supposed to be permanent but we got l-lost and and..."
He hisses, baring his fangs. "Those alphas found you and claimed you!"
"Yes—But it's not what you think! We wanted them to." He tried to reassure.
Jungkook looks horrified. "They've brainwashed you! Yoongi—I know you! You didn't want to be mated, remember? No way you would have willingly offered yourself up to some random fucking alpha in the woods. It had to be forced!"
I stand up. "It wasn't. I promise we're telling you the truth. They are our fated mates. Our true mates. We sensed it the moment we met them. It wasn't forced."
Jungkook looks skeptical but frowns at Jimin behind me. "What about you, Minie? Was your mating forced?"
The trembling omega pales, seeming upset about something. He doesn't answer.
I spin back around. "Jimin isn't mated yet, Kookie."
Scoffing, he glares. "Can you not see his neck?! It's chewed raw! He's been claimed as well and he didn't answer me. Jimin—were you forced!"
The omega flinches and after a long moment, he shakes his head almost reluctantly. My eyes widen as I actually look and see the mating bite on his neck. It is raw and obviously painful. Oh my god...did Namjoon...
     "I w-wanted it." Jimin whispers, wrapping his arms around himself. "He didn't do anything wrong."
      Nothing in that sentence is correct based on his body language and the fear in his eyes. Jungkook obviously senses it, too. He growls. "These alphas are fugitives and need to be executed!"
      To my surprise, Yoongi grabs his face and stares into his eyes. "Kookie, please. Don't do this. Hoseok...he's...I love him. He's my mate. I wanted him to mate me. He did nothing wrong."
      The beta shakes his head, his eyes flushing with tears. "I t-thought I lost you forever, Yoonie."
     Jimin and I both look away at the way too intimate moment shared between them. "Yoongi—" I want to speak up about his mate but decide against it. Once again, it isn't my place. Instead I decide to console Jimin and get the truth out of him.
      "Come on, Jimin. Let's give them some space. I think they need to talk."
      He stares up at me blankly before nodding and attempting to get up. I don't like how slow he's moving like he's in a lot of pain. I clutch his arm and help him up the stairs. I decide to bypass the alphas and lead him into my and Taehyung's bedroom.
      Perching him on the bed, I sit beside him and squeeze his hand. "Talk to me. What happened?"
      He sniffles before breaking out into full on sobs, falling into my chest and clutching my shirt. I realize he has bruises on his wrists. What the hell...
     "I'm okay. I p-promise. He just did what I wanted."
      Anger fills me as I imagine the alpha and his recent emotional state. His annoyance at the omega and how he's been treating him. "He hurt you."
      He shakes his head without replying.
     "Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth!"
     He pulls back, avoiding my stern gaze. "Please, Jin. Just d-drop it. I asked for it. He gave me what I wanted. It's over and done."
      I scoff. "It doesn't seem that way. Namjoon is still keeping his distance from you! If it were mutual why are you two acting this way? Why did he hurt you?"
      He moves away from me, frowning down at his hands, pulling the long sleeve shirt down over the bruises. "I...accidentally kissed Hoseok." He blurts.
      My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. "W-What?! When? Is that why he..."
      "Last night. It was a complete accident but it really got to me. I was scared and felt wrong. I wanted Namjoon to replace the empty feeling. I harassed and begged him to claim me. I didn't tell him what happened, though. He...I don't think he wanted to but he did. It doesn't matter how it happened but it did. It's done."
     "How can you be so calm about this? How could he agree to such a thing if he didn't want to mate you?" Even though I don't understand that at all.
      He shrugs. "I don't blame him. I'm n-nothing. Worthless. I'd be upset having to claim me, too. I guess I took away his chance of finding a true mate since he obviously believes it isn't me." He laughs bitterly. Broken.
      My heart breaks for the omega.
     "Jimin...What are you going to do?"
     He forces another smile. "I'm going to give him space and leave him alone. He doesn't want me so I'll stay out of his way."
      I groan. "It doesn't work that way!"
     Stubbornly, he sets his chin. "It will for us. He mated me against his own will. I'll try to be the best mate ever and stay away from him forever. I'll do anything..." His voice cracks.
      I pull him into my arms. Holding him tight. "'re so stupid!" Exasperated and upset.
His tears soak my shirt. "Jin?"
I want to cry with him. "Hm?"
"It h-hurts..."
"Shhh, I know, baby. I know it does."
" h-hurts so much I think I w-want to die."
I hold him until he cries himself to sleep. Internally I plot murder for a certain alpha.

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