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Snuggling into my mate's chest surrounded by blankets and hot chocolate slathered with thick marshmallow cream is like a dream come true. His scent relaxing me as well as his fingers threading through my hair and the little kisses he keeps leaving on my nape.
I've never been happier or more content in my entire life. I heave a sigh and stretch my legs out over his longer ones, settling deeper against his chest.
The only downside to my happiness is the constant crying and sniffles coming from the next room. I bite my lip. " he going to be okay?"
He sighs. "He will. This happens. Hoseok is taking good care of him and helping him adjust the best he can. I was so lucky with you, baby. You took me so well." He whispers in my ear making me blush and duck my head, shivering.
"Alpha..." I whine, embarrassed.
Chuckling, he squeezes me. "So cute. And all mine, omega. I'm so happy I found you." He says against my temple.
"Me, too." I think about what I overheard earlier. "So...are we really going back to the society?"
He tenses. "It's the most sensical option if you ask me. The others are skeptical but they both know I'm right. Well have access to food, heat, and endless supplies so long as we keep you all hidden."
I play with his fingers. "But it's dangerous for you, right? It will be on you to get us everything we need and keep the pretense of being without your hyung and, well, your mate."
"Its going to be hard, that's true but overall worth it. I'll do anything to protect you, Jin, and to be frankly honestly I can't do that out here. Too many unknown factors and variables in the wild." He explains.
"I think you're right. I just want us all to be safe."
       "I know, baby. Me, too. Anyway, we still have a few days to make plans. Namjoon wants Jimin's heat to pass first. Easier trip back plus this storm is finally tapering off."
       "He should have it any day now. We've always had ours within days of one another." I yawn, tired. I've been tired a lot lately for some reason. More than usual.
        The door to our room opens and a stressed alpha pokes his head in. "Uh, I hate to break up the little love fest but can I steal your omega?"
       Tae frowns and tightens his grip on my waist. "Why?"
       Hoseok groans. "Yoongi wants him."
       Sighing, Tae releases me and helps me get up. His body hiding me from Hoseok since I'm only wearing my alpha's long shirt, my bare thighs exposed.
       "He'll be there in a minute." He rasps, shooting Hoseok a look as he disappears back out the door.
       I chuckle and cup my alpha's face, kissing him. Grumbling, he finds me a pair of shorts and pulls them up my legs them smothers my face and neck with kisses.
       "Tae. Let me go help him." I groan as he refuses to release me. I squeal as he smacks my butt, letting me go.
       "Hurry back so I can keep you warm." He says, laying back down on the bed.
       Flushing with happiness and shyness, I walk down the hall to see Hoseok standing outside the hall looking distraught. I touch his arm reassuringly.
      "Yoongi is really strong. We'll be okay."
       He runs a hand through his hair. "I just feel bad. I mean, there's really no way to tell how an omega will take our marking but it's worrisome." He sighs.
       I smile and walk into the room. It's colder in here for some reason. I find out that reason as soon as I see Yoongi. He's naked and shaking. The window pulled open to allow the cold snow into the room. He's sweating.
      I run to his side and slam the window shut. "Yoongi, are you alright? You could get sick." I scold, pulling him into my arms.
       Sniffling, He tightens his arms around me. "S-sorry. I j-just got really hot." He feels extremely hot. His face flushed and sweat dripping down his chest and forehead. His hair drenched and clinging to his skin.
       "God, I'm so sorry."
       He sighs and sits back down on the bed. "Not your fault. Not Hoseok's fault, either, but I know he blames himself. I should count myself lucky,'I guess. I'm sure no other alpha would have managed to put up with me like this. They probably would have got rid of me for a new mate." He wipes his face. "I knew there was a reason I didn't want an alpha."
        "It will pass. Anytime you'll start to feel better."
       He forces a little smile. " that you're here...I feel a little better already. Maybe it's your omega pheromones." He shrugs but clings to my side. "Maybe we should get Jimin, too. Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" He asks.
      I nod. "Hoseok!" I yell.
      He immediately pops his head in. "Yeah?"
      "Will you get Jimin?"
       He leaves and moments later Jimin comes in and snuggles in bed beside us.  We all just bask in the simplicity of us being together just like we used to. It really does seem to help soothe him and before we know it, his fever breaks and he sighs, falling asleep almost instantly.
        Jimin nudges me and gets up. We let Hoseok back in the room and he pulls Yoongi back into his arms, kissing his head.
       "I'm going back to bed." Jimin fidgets. I know he's terrified of his heat now.
       I watch him go before heading back to my alpha. He's sitting up, waiting. Holding out his arms for me. I beam and climb back in my original spot, getting comfortable. "You smell like Hoseok." He grumbles.
       "Well, I guess you'll have to remark me and cover me in your scent again." I tease.
        I don't expect him to take me seriously until he flips me under him and nuzzles my neck, growling. "Mhm, what a fantastic idea."

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