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I grunt as Hoseok bumps into me after descending the tall tree. Growling, I size him up and he does the same to me. Fucking fucktard.
"You got something to say, bitch!" He gruffs.
My fists clench and I feel my claws descending. "Fuck off before I kill you!"
"Do you guys ever stop?" Taehyung sighs as he yawns and stretches, relieved from his nap by our loud bickering probably.
I really like Taehyung but his stupid fuck up of a brother, Hoseok? He can choke. "Any ideas where to go from here?" I ask him.
He pulls out a map and trails a graceful finger over the mountain trails. "Mhm. If we continue due north we might reach the settlement before the end of the week." He admits.
Hoseok gasps and kicks a nearby tree dramatically. "Are you serious?! You said we'd be there safely by tomorrow! That's still two more days, Tae!"
He glares at his brother. "Well if you two would get a grip and stop arguing every five minutes we'd actually make good time. You've both gotten us lost twice now!" He waves the map. "You two would be dead without me here!" He yells, exasperated.
I wince. He's not wrong. The elements are harsh out in the winter forest but it's the only safe route to the settlement away from the society. The society and the masters can't touch us if we make it there. They do not control those lands. It's like a bordering of countries. Separate countries can not rule the other.
The society ruled by the masters created the mating system and all the rules and punishments. They control most of the planet but a few small settlement outside of the large city boarders. They can't touch us there otherwise we'd be dead. Any crime is punishable by death in the society.
They do not tolerate disobedience of any kind. My only crime is also the absolute worst crime-accidentally seeing an unmated omega bare. I hadn't even touched him! I had just stumbled upon him by accident and when he saw me he screamed for help.
I wasn't planning on doing anything to the poor thing but the betas attacked me dragged me to the prisons. I managed to escape and have been on the run ever since. Ridiculous really. Something so small could earn a death sentence but omegas weren't to be messed with. They are everything to the society.
Stupid system, really. So what if omegas can have pups? We don't all need pups anyway. Sure, they're beautiful but are they really worship worthy? Doubtful.
"Let's find food first at least. I'm starving." Hoseok grumbles.
Rolling my eyes, I hate that I agree. We haven't eaten in days and that's a very dangerous thing to be—a starving, irritable alpha. Add three to that equation and it's deadly. We need food before we do end up killing and eating each other which has happened before.
The animal in us just can't help it. Once our wolves rule our minds, our man-made sensibilities are overruled and thrown away to barbaric cannibalistic ritualizations that we've tried to steer away from from centuries past but it does still happen.
Taehyung rolls up the map and tucks it in his pants. "Okay. Let's hunt."

Two deer and a small bear later, we've all eaten and resting on the forest floor. As the brothers doze off before me, I stare up at the ceiling and let me thoughts drift to that omega.
I've never been able to get him out of my mind. Is he mated now? Does he feel shame for allowing his body to be exposed to another alpha? Does he ever think about that time? About me?
Was he ever told of my fate or was I left forgotten in his selfish mind while he lives off lavishly in his little perfect bubble?
He was...beautiful, though. A creature of perfection I'll never be able to forget. I've seen my fair share of betas and other alpha bodies but none could ever compare to his...his silvery hair fluttering around his gorgeous face while his slender feminine body gleamed in the fresh morning dew...
I groan in annoyance as my pants tighten. Fuck, not now. I should hate him. Should want to wipe him out of all my memories but I simply can't. It doesn't help that I know his name. I heard it from the lips of his pretty female beta before being attacked.
What a perfect name for a perfect being. So...pure somehow. I remember the look in his eye as he realized I was there. That I could see every single line and feature of his flawless nude body...
Would he be as soft as he looked? I wonder is he's mated and carrying pups yet? Surely he would have been claimed by now. I saw him nearly two years ago. He was young but around mating age. Omegas are mated quite young to provide for more pups.
I hate that my brain keeps spinning me the illusion of that beautiful creature heavy with my own pups. Fuck. I'm so stupid. I have to stop. That was so long ago. He's long gone now and probably a mother of several liters of pups by now.
No way is he still pure. And no way could such a angel be for the likes of a rough alpha like me. Fate has not been kind to me. Why should that ever change?

Pure; omegaverseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum