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I wake up to more bickering from the other alphas. Groaning, I sit up and look around for any signs of incoming intruders. This really isn't a safe place for us to rest. Too close to the sanctuary for my liking.
"Why do I always have to be the one to have sense and logic in this group?" I sigh and push the two growling alphas apart.
I grab a handful of berries that I'm assuming Hoseok found for snacking and quickly eat them before rummaging in my bag for a bottle of water. Our supply is running out. Only a few days left. It's barely enough to make it until we reach the settlement.
"I saw there is a river nearby crossing our path to the settlement. We can bathe and clear our scents from the forest so we can't be tracked." I say, recapping the bottle.
Namjoon nods thoughtfully. "We need to ditch these clothes, too. Maybe we can steal some new clothes from some betas close by. I'm tired of these stupid pitiful excuses for cover."
I frown. "Clothing isn't so important. We need to focus on not being followed. Clothing will be at the settlement." I argue.
He huffs. "I stink and really don't want to put these back on after cleaning in the river. Surely we can sneak a uniform or something."
Hoseok snarls. "Stop worrying about material things. We need to focus on getting enough food and water to make it. Right now we're running too low. It's a stretch. Let go of your princely ways."
"I don't act princely!"
"You're such a dainty fuck! Obviously you were an alpha prince!"
     I look away from them, hearing a twig snap in the distance. Not good. In the winter the only animals out here would just be us or...
A loud gunshot echoes much too close to us and I glare at the now silent alphas. "Thanks! Now we're going to get caught!" I grab my bag and the map and we all take off running.
Heavy footsteps follow after us and eventually there is no escape. We'll have to fight. I wheel around just as Hoseok and Namjoon do the same, several growling betas hot on our heels.
I drop my things and immediately disarm them of their guns, having the lucky gift of battle. Unlike Namjoon and Hoseok who use their alpha power and strength to overpower the betas, I've trained myself to think and fight like a beta.
It's makes disarming them easier. I like the fight, the careful moves and sleek strength they wield. I love using it against them. It's exhilarating.

      We don't kill the betas. Well, Namjoon wanted to but I manage to talk him out of it. Instead we just knock them unconscious and, of course, steal their clothes.
      Namjoon grins happily as he holds up his size and tugs distainfully at his nasty ripped clothing. I'm beginning to think Hoseok right about Namjoon bring a prince alpha. He never did tell us what he did to be on the run or anything about his family or past.
      Hoseok killed someone. It wasn't on purpose but that didn't matter. It was a mistake that nearly cost him his life. He ran. Seeing as he's all the family I have, I ran with him.
      Technically I haven't committed any crimes and could waltz back into society quite easily but I won't, not without my brother. He's the most important thing to me. The only one in my life besides Namjoon now but I suspect he won't be around forever.
     He'll probably go his own way once we reach the settlement. I don't blame him. He and Hoseok hate each other. Two budding alphas really aren't meant to be in such close proximity for so long. It's dangerous.
"Let's hide the betas in case someone comes looking. It will give us longer time to escape."
We drag the unconscious bodies around to a close cave and seal them in. They can get out but it won't be easy. I grab for my bag—carrying all the possessions I care deeply for in my life—and the map.
"Let's go. We really need to find that river so they lose our scent." I sigh.
We take what we can from the betas items and head off towards the river. By my calculations, it will take a few hours to reach it. We have to hurry.
"So what did you do anyway?" Hoseok ask suddenly, glancing at Namjoon. "Not that I really care I'm just, you know, really bored."
Joon laughs. "Nothing much. What did you do?"
"I killed a beta." He explains quietly.
Joon frowns, glancing at me. "And you?"
I chuckle. "I haven't done anything. Hoseok is all I have." Shrugging.
He scoffs. "I'm so sorry."
Hoseok smacks him. "Fuck off."
"What did you do?" I ask him, curious myself.
He sighs, staring at his feet as we walk. "I saw an omega bare."
We both gasp in shock. "Oh my god!"
"How are you still alive?"
He laughs bitterly. "It's funny. You murder someone and yet it's unfazing but I accidentally stumble upon an unmated omega and I'm the worst criminal on the planet!" He kicks a rock. "I hate the society."
      I blink. "I agree. Perhaps the society is much too harsh but you know the laws. That's probably the worst thing you could do."
       He sighs. "Yeah well..."
      Hoseok stares at him. "I saw an omega last night." He admits quietly.
      We both turn to look at him expectantly.
      "Not naked or anything! When I was patrolling for us...I could see his room in the sanctuary. He just stood on the balcony but god....he was...was..."
      "Exquisite?" Namjoon chuckles softly.
      "Y-Yeah. Omegas really are something else. Their beauty is truly unreal."
        I roll my eyes. I've never seen an omega. Actually, if I had chosen to stay in the society I would be able to claim an omega by now—Hoseok, too. Our standing was high enough to grant us mates.
      I suppose those expectations are long gone now. Our status is no more so our omegas were most likely given to another deserving alpha.
     Maybe it's for the better. I rather like this free lifestyle on the run. The settlement has to be much better and lenient that the society. Not as harsh and unforgiving. Better.

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