24. It was wendy,it wasn't wendy.

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Finally,a new chapter. There will be errors here and there. Read authors note down below! I took a big step with this book by making this chapter!

2 years later.

We got to the airport. The staff were getting our luggage and controlling the fans. I got out first. I'm so happy,I finally get to meet my family and I get to see California again!

The fact that Wendy came here is exciting. When she was on the plane she sent me a text.

*flashback to Wendy on the plane mark leaving the airport.*

I walked with my head down knowing she is now just waiting for the plain to take off,there is no use waiting for her to leave since in my heart she's already gone.

I got a message.

'Mark. I hope got7 can come to America soon,To California. I'll see you soon. I'm waiting for you..' It read but I saw

'Wendy is typing....' And it stayed like that for the longest time and she finally sent,"I'll miss you."

I smiled at it,Now I have something to look forward to...meeting Wendy again.


"What the hell......" I heard Jackson mumble. He was staring at me.

"What?" I asked offended.

"You aren't actually thinking about....." He leaned in closer and whispered,"you know who.."

I pushed him away," Of course not,why would I,it hasn't been too long since me and bambam finally stopped being awkward. I hated being all touchy at fan meetings and then he hate me in the dorm. " I said.

Jackson just nodded.

We were driving In Separate cars. One was me,Jackson and JB. The other van was Youngjae,Jr. Bambam and yugyeom.

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