"No Hannah, you needed to leave. But let me finish" he demands.

"I've sold the business already because I want to retire. I want to finish the next 20 years or so with Julie living. All I've ever done is work to the bone and likewise so have you. I wanted you to reflect on the life you've built and what you really want."

I'm speechless. Fucking speechless.

"Jake, I'm truly happy for you. But does this mean I'm fired and out of a job?"

"Not entirely Hannah....You've been with me for about 6 years and have been a killer. I truly believe I saw myself in you and I believe I still am. But I want to save you before you lose yourself completely. I'm giving you a choice Hannah..."

I'm speechless. Fucking speechless.

"Choose to work for the new owner who wants to keep you in your same job title and pay. He basically guaranteed your job for the next 5 years. Or...walk away from this job with me in two weeks after we help them with the transition and I'll give you 7 million dollars as a pay out from them purchasing us."

My mouth drops to the ground. I stand up and start fanning myself. "Give me a minute Jake."

"I know Hannah your thinking about your career, if the money is worth it to leave, or if it's better to stay. Sure you could stay and risk working with the new board. But I think if you do the math in your head you know what I'm offering is more then what you would make on a yearly basis if you stayed here another 5 years. Plus you don't have to work."

"Jake, shut up for a second" I screech.

I sit back down and think about it as my fucking boss and mentor is grinning at me.

Only three men have known me in this life Matt, Jake, and Peyton.

"Deal" I squeal.


I help Jake with the transfer as requested. I help a few of their new people figure out clients and I attend a few meetings to introduce them to one another. The board tries to sway me from leaving, but I signed a contract with Jake stating I wouldn't go back on my deal. He knew they would try to persuade me to leave, but I was already sold because I knew what I was going to do. I would again follow my mentor's lead and listen to what's been said to me so many times during those two months.

I spent Thanksgiving alone and enjoyed watching movies and eating Chinese takeout. Hilary called me and told me that the football team won the championship game a few weeks back. Peyton seems to be getting back into his routine. However, because of the publicity of the football team, the school board decided to utilize it as fundraiser.

So Friday, December 16th they're holding a formal winter gala at the Venue where people can bid on themed Christmas trees, items, fancy gingerbread houses, and bid on bachelors/bachelorettes for a date. Of course Peyton is one of those men. All the donations received would go to the schools within the district and help support multiple programs they're trying to create, expand, or improve.

I pause for a minute when she's blabbing about it and think I have enough time to get my affairs in order. The day after Thanksgiving I'm meeting with my agent about my apartment. Considering it's in Central Park West, but not on a floor higher than ten I could probably get 3 million for it. I even offer her that we can leave all furniture minus a few pieces if it will sell faster. She actually says I could probably get another couple thousand for it. SOLD!

The same day I order Matt's Dodge Charger and my Mercedes to be shipped to my sister's house. I still couldn't spare to part from either car and I have a good feeling that the charger will be put to good use. Things are moving quickly just as I wanted them and the same day I receive notice that my 7 million dollar payout would be split between two offshore accounts.

Jake and Julie have already hugged me farewell and are off to Europe for the holidays. Jake tells me to keep him posted. Julie wants to hear all about my next step.

I do the right thing and tell Matt's parents I'm leaving New York. I tell them that I love them and I truly miss their son. I give them some details about my next step and they're surprised, but overwhelmingly happy for me.

I meet with Carol and Drew at our favorite restaurant and break the news to them that I'm leaving New York as well. Carol sobs and tells me I can find happiness here, but she knows the chapter on my life here is closed. I actually give them details about what happened in Bridgeport. I'm laughing and smiling when Drew actually wipes a few tears away and tells me that Matt would be so happy for me not to be sad and alone. I give them an open invite if they ever want to visit Oregon. But I'm more excited to find out that Carol is pregnant with their first baby, it's a boy and they plan on naming him Matthew. I completely sob when they tell me. It's kind of embarrassing at this point for three adults to laugh, cry, and hug for hours at a fancy restaurant in uptown Manhattan.

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