I pause. I literally pause at the fear she's right because when the words leave her mouth I immediately think how he would be crushed if I didn't come.

"I'll have to think about it" I mutter.

"Ah ha! See, you actually have to think about it."

Shit! I'm the greatest closer, the toughest bitch in the game in New York, and I can't figure this shit out?


Friday rolls around and I'm struggling with myself about going. I'm supposed to meet Peyton at his house in 30 minutes when I finally put my beanie on, along with my black thin,but thicker jacket since its starting get cooler at night.

I pull up and Peyton is immensely happy to see me. Crew is in school colors and wearing a beanie on as well. He's so freaking handsome. Chloe runs to me with open arms in her black button up pea coat and school colors beanie. Of course my beanie is black, because what can I say I'm a New Yorker. We only wear black and white.

Chloe snuggles into me and I can't refuse but to do the same. Peyton locks the front and looks so fucking hot in his black slacks and game sweater. I would seriously drop my panties for him right now if he asked. I move to the SUV and buckle Chloe in. Then I quickly move around to go finish buckling in Crew while Peyton loads his stuff. As I move around me he grabs my ass and I swat him away "Seriously, coach."

He pulls me into his chest "Baby, didn't you just have a lesson about only saying "yes, coach."

I start giggling like a school girl "Um, sorry coach. That lesson was ages ago. I don't remember much. I might need a tutor. Do you know any good ones?"

He busts out laughing and pulls me in for a quick kiss "Maybe tonight to celebrate."

We pull into the parking lot and plenty of crowds are already making they're way into the stands. He throws me the keys and kisses each of us goodbye as he heads to the locker room. I'm unbuckling Chloe and Crew when a few cheerleaders yell at me and say hello. After a few weeks of spending time with Peyton all the football players and cheerleaders know me by heart. The girls are always complimenting my fashion sense and say we make the cutest couple. While the boys now call me "H."

I carry Chloe in my arms and hold Crew's hand as I make my way through the gates. It's great I don't pay for tickets since Burt just waves me in and I spot Hilary who is saving me a seat with Auden and Emery. Auden and Crew seem to get along great while Chloe just seems content sitting in my lap eating her crackers and yelling mumbled phrases at the football players. But the moment she sees Peyton she squeals. I love how much she loves her daddy.

It's seriously funny to me how these small towns work. So many player's parents know me and how his friends have finally warmed up to me. We've only hung out with them once or twice on Saturdays, but everyone has been pretty accepting and kind. Nothing like New Yorkers.

About 20 minutes later the game starts. The school band is blasting their music, the kids cheering section is roaring, and several fans are screaming. Renee and Rick spot me with the kids and come and sit by us. Renee refuses to give me the time of day but she's cordial in front of the kids so I'm not surprised when Rick sits between us. Crew, Auden, and Emery sit in front of us on the cold bleachers.

I have to admit I love watching Peyton on the field. He's strong, direct, and patient with the boys. No wonder I keep hearing rumors and seeing things in the news that Peyton is becoming one of the strongest coaches in the state and is foreseen join the college leagues. He's told me from the beginning he would love to coach a college team...that was the dream before Laura died.

Second Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن