I pop some popcorn for myself and they each snuggle up next to me on Peyton's large cozy couch with their own blankets. At least he knows how to select comfy furniture. The lights are off and soon we're all fast asleep listening to Frozen.

My eyes are closed but I feel a presence in the living room. I almost forget where I am but my grip tightens around each child under my arm and my chest feels heavy. I flicker my eyes open and see Peyton standing over us. He's reaching for Crew.

"Hey...Its okay. I'm just putting Crew to bed. I'll be back for Chloe" he whispers.

I nod my head. I look down to see that Chloe has crawled into my lap and is resting her hand against my chest. That's why my chest feels so heavy. I don't know why but I naturally snuggle closer to her, wrap my arms around her, and close my eyes.

A few minutes later Peyton is standing over me again and reaches to take Chloe. But naturally I tighten my grip again.

"It's okay, I've got her" he whispers.

I release my grip and he pulls her into his arms. I close my eyes again and snuggle up into the couch pulling Chloe's soft, white blanket up to my chin. I hear the door close to what sounds like Chloe's room and hear footsteps coming closer.

"Okay your turn" Peyton whispers as he reaches for me.

But I let out a quiet laugh. "It's okay, I drive back" I mumble.

"H, its late and your half a sleep so either you sleep on the couch here or you come to my bed where it's more comfortable?" I nod half asleep and he scoops me up effortlessly.

He opens the door to his bedroom and lays me down on the left side. "Do you want to borrow and clothes or do you prefer to sleep in jeans a shirt that hugs every once our curves" he whispers.

I finally open my eyes and shoot him a glare "Don't pretend that you haven't checked out my tight ass."

He lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, I have. But it's kinda hard to miss."

I sit up and he hands me a t-shirt and shorts. It's nothing fancy or silk but it's comfortable. I stumble to the bathroom and change out of my designer jeans and top. I naturally remove my bra and place it with my jeans and top. I slide on his t-shirt and shorts which are way too big for me. I turn the bathroom light off behind me and I walk to the bed. He's already climbing in on the right and I feel his eyes graze over me.

I climb in and hug the left side edge. Part of me is half asleep while the other is freaking out about what I'm doing. I quickly ignore the later and fall asleep.


I wake up to the rays of light escaping around the dark curtains. I have no idea what time it is but what I do know is that I'm warm and wrapped around Peyton.

How the fuck did I end up like this?

He's on his back and I'm on my side with arms on his chest and my leg wrapped around his waist. He's got one wrapped around my waist and another hand in my hair. I lay there for a few minutes not sure what to think, let alone do. But he must feel my panic.

It doesn't even phase him. He kisses my forehead and pulls me closer. Somehow I sink closer into him to. I don't even fight the feelings of panic I had a second ago. I feel him stir and pull my chin up towards him. "So I guess you liked the bed better?" he smiles.

A grin spreads across my face and we just stare at each other for a few minutes. He looks down at my lips and licks his own. He's about to lean down when we hear "Daddy, I want pancakes?" Chloe's little voice echoes through the door. He smiles at me again before saying "Yeah, baby. I'll meet you in the kitchen." I pull away from him all too soon and I can feel his longing for me to be close. I scurry to the bathroom and place my bra back on.

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