It Felt Right

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"Totally sucks we aren't starting the new job together D," Alana said walking out of the bathroom,

"I know Lans but I think it will be good for you to start by yourself, it will give you time to get to know some new people,"

"Yeah I know it's just like we've always just done everything together." Alana pouted, "It feels weird."

"You're weird." Danielle replies poking her tongue out, "And we still are don't worry, Doc said I needed to rest my knee for a few days and Este has got me starting next week. So basically you're just getting a head start that's all."

"Yeah but I'm still going to miss you." Alana said bouncing on the bed on top of Danielle,

"GET OFF." Danielle laughed,

"Nope not until I get some cuddles, cos I'm not gonna see you all day." Alana whined.

"Fine." Danielle said, "But I soooooo can't wait to finally get a full week of peace and quiet all to myself with no annoying rug rat bouncing on my bed."

Danielle gave Alana a quick hug before she started tickling her which caused Alana to laugh hysterically and fall off the bed.


Alana didn't know why she had been so worried about starting work by herself, she totally loved being at the Wire Grill, she got to meet so many interesting people and during the nights she got to listen to different bands for free. She enjoyed singing along to the words when she knew a song but most of the time she just danced around as she served drinks or collected empty glasses and dishes from tables. After a week she felt like she belonged and she hadn't felt that way in a long time, not since she lived with the Haims.

The Saturday night crowd was buzzing with excitement because JJ and the Strobes were playing at The Wire Grill tonight,

"Oh my god Dash how did you manage to get JJ and the Strobes to play here tonight?" An overly excited Alana asked, "They are like so rad and their latest song has already gone to number one."

"Ha-ha OK, OK settle down, they are good but I've heard better." Dash teased,

"WHAT? OH MY GOD ARE YOU INSANE? They are like totally the best band I've ever heard." Alana said squealing, "I can't believe they're here tonight."

"Lucky I've got good contacts then isn't it." Dash grinned, "OK just remember though you are actually here to work tonight Alana and I think there are customers waiting to be served."

"Oh shit right sorry Dash." Alana said quickly moving around behind the bar.

"What are you laughing at Dashkin?" Este asked,

"Nothing." Dash said as he continued to laugh,

"Oh really?" Este asked raising an eyebrow,

"Can't I just be happy?" Dash replied,

"You? Nope?" Este said,

"Fine I'm just excited with how well everything is going right now, I still had so many doubts when we brought this place and I'm so stoked things have worked out the way they have OK? And yeah I'm also really happy." Dash said giving Este a kiss on the cheek before he went to help Alana serve drinks.

Este took her time slowly looking around the Wire Grill and smiled,

"I'm happy too Dashkin." She said to herself.

"Well howdy there Cowboy what can I get you." Alana said winking at the man wearing a cowboy hat,

"Two bourbons straight up pretty filly." He replied,

Two's Company, Three's A Crowd.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant