I'm Trying To Get Your Attention

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Danielle had just sat down at the breakfast table to enjoy a nice mug of freshly brewed hot coffee when she heard running along the outside terrace, suddenly Alana came flying through the window.

"Morning D I'm jumping in the shower," She said as she rushed past Danielle, "Oh if Mr. Tunzi should come knocking tell him I've been here with you the whole night ok thanks," She shouted before closing the bathroom door.

Danielle sighed and shook her head before going back to enjoying her morning coffee, half an hour later Danielle was about to head downstairs to open up the little diner they worked at.

"ALANA you better have your butt downstairs in fifteen minutes," Danielle yelled before closing the front door.

By the time Alana entered the cafe Danielle already had the coffee pot brewing,  the grill fired up and was setting the tables ready for the early morning diners.

"You're late!" Danielle remarks,

"What! Oh come on! Seriously? I'm like only five minutes late and anyway who died and made you boss?"

Danielle was getting a headache and wasn't in the mood to start an argument with her sister.

"Just go collect the newspapers and when you get back you can finish setting the tables," she sighed.

Danielle went over and unlocked the front door letting Alana pass by her, as she closed the door she turned the sign around so it now said OPEN. Several minutes later Alana had returned with newspapers and some of their usual customers started coming in and sitting down. 

Danielle enjoyed the morning atmosphere in the diner, over the last several months she had gotten to know quite a few of the regulars, Mr Burlison who liked his eggs sunny side up with his tomato and bacon on the side.

Amanda and Steve a young couple would come in nearly every morning and order an egg and bacon muffin for him and a chocolate chip muffin for her, plus coffee to go. Danielle didn't know much about them just knew they owned the dry cleaners down the block.

The Montgomery sister's to elderly spinsters came in every day at eight am and sat at the very first window seat as it had the most sun in the morning. Danielle every morning would put a reserved sign on that booth's table so that it was kept free for the sisters.

She looked at them now animatedly talking together over tea and marmalade toast and wondered to herself if both her and Lonz would still be close at that age.

She continued to glance around the diner and noticed her favourite married couple had come in. Mr and Mrs Bennetts married 65 years came into the diner every Wednesday and Thursday morning and shared a pot of tea and blueberry pancakes together.

Danielle loved watching them sitting together in their booth, they still after all these years had love in their eyes as they looked at each other. Mr. Bennetts noticed Danielle watching smiled and winked at her, Danielle felt her cheeks start to blush smiled back at him before turning away.  

Alana walked over to give the breakfast orders to Danielle but she didn't really need them, she knew her regular diners orders off by heart and in all the time she had worked there none of their orders had changed.

"Don't look now D but your creepy admirer has just walked in," Alana whispered nudging Danielle,

Danielle didn't need to look up to know who Alana was talking about, she could smell the over used cheap aftershave of Mr. Hamilton a recently divorced fifty two year old, he had been coming into the diner every morning for the last three weeks.

"Well if it isn't my favourite chef already waiting out front to serve me," the man grinned.

"Good morning Mr. Hamilton," Danielle politely replied,

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