Give A Little chapter 17

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Alana rolled over and turned her alarm off, she smiled to herself when she saw a good morning text from Lillie. 

Lillie: sent 7:46AM- Good morning beautiful hope you slept well, counting the hours until I can see you again :) 

Alana: sent 9:06AM- Yes had the best sleep thanks :D you were even in my dreams ;)

She laid on the bed for another ten minutes before going to take a shower, after her shower Alana made a pot of strong coffee, she hummed to herself whilst she waited for her pop tarts to toast. Her cell phone started vibrating on the counter.

Lillie: sent 9:53AM- Oh well I hope it wasn't to X rated this dream of yours :P

Alana: sent 9:54AM- lol thats for me to know and for you to find out!!! Almost time to head to work, I hope you have a lovely day talk later xx

Lillie: sent 9:55AM- OK have fun and yes definitely talk later xx

Alana smiled and did a little pirouette before she grabbed her pop tarts out of the toaster, she placed them on a plate to cool down. Alana enjoyed her cinnamon roll flavoured pop tarts with a mug of coffee, once she had finished she sighed to herself and put her dishes in the sink.

Then she banged loudly on Danielle's door, this time she didn't wait for a response and barged right in. She opened all the blinds and yanked the duvet off the bed.

"GET UP D." Alana yelled, she picked up one of Danielle's boots and started banging it repeatedly against the bed head, "GET UP. GET UP. GET UP."

"Fuck off Lonz." Danielle replied as she threw her pillow at Alana.

"Nope not gonna happen, I'm staying right here until you get up." Alana told her, "You've got thirty minutes to get your ass ready for work."

"Fine I'm up, now get the fuck out so I can get ready." Danielle growled.

Alana refused to budge until Danielle finally climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Danielle slammed the bathroom door shut, she grabbed some aspirin for her pounding headache, quickly showered and put her hair up into a messy bun, when she entered the kitchen Alana was already doing the dishes,

"There's fresh coffee made." Alana said not looking at Danielle,

"Thanks." Danielle replied pouring herself a mug.

After Alana had finished the dishes she grabbed her bag, jacket and keys,

"You ready?" Alana asked,

"Yup." Danielle said as she placed her empty mug in the sink.

Danielle head still pounding didn't bother trying to make conversation, Alana normally enjoyed her morning walk to work but today it felt uncomfortable, so instead she walked a couple of paces ahead of Danielle to get away from her cigarette smoke.


Alana was glad the Friday lunch crowd was extra busy as it meant she didn't have to spend much time in the kitchen with Danielle. She called out the food orders to her sister and took the plates of food out to the customers as quickly as she could. 

Once the lunch rush had started to settle down Alana went to find Este.

"Ah Este would it be alright if Darla works tomorrow night for me and I do the morning shift?" Alana asked,

"Yeah that's fine as long as Darla's able to work for you?" Este replied,

"Yup I asked her last night and she said she could swap with me."

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