I'm Always Awake Part 20

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Trigger warning for small flashback scene in this chapter.

Danielle finished packing her bags and stood outside Alana's closed bedroom door, she leaned her forehead against the door as she could not bring herself to open it. After a few minutes she straightened up, placed her hand on the door and whispered, "I love you Alana with all my heart."

She grabbed her jacket, picked up her bags and took a final look around the apartment she had come to call home before she walked out to her car.

Alana heard the front door close, got up and looked out her bedroom window, she watched Danielle throw her bags into the car and drive off. She walked back over to her bed and called Lillie.

"Mmm hello." Lillie said in a groggy voice,

"Lillie." Alana managed to say before bursting into tears,

"Alana? Babe hey what's happened? Are you OK?" Lillie asked now wide awake as she listened to Alana crying, "Babe talk to me."

"I..I think, I think Danielle has left." Alana sobbed,

"Left? What you mean she's gone out again?" Lillie sighed,

"No like left for good, we had a fight. She...she told me we had to pack our bags and leave but I...I told her I wasn't leaving you or my job." Alana explained, "But I just watched her put her bags in her car and drive off. I don't think she's coming back."

"Oh babe, hang on let me get dressed and I'll come over." Lillie told her.

Fifteen minutes later Alana buzzed Lillie into the apartment block and waited at her opened door, as soon as she saw Lillie she ran crying into her arms.

"Hey, hey shush it's going to be OK." Lillie said as she rubbed Alana's back,

They went back inside the apartment and Lillie led Alana over to the couch,

"Have you tried calling Danielle on her cell?" Lillie asked, Alana still crying shook her head. "OK then how about we try calling her?"

Alana wiped her eyes and went down to her bedroom to retrieve her cell where she had thrown it on top of her bed, she came back and sat down next to Lillie and tried ringing Danielle's cell,

"It's just going straight to her voice mail." Alana cried,

"OK then ring her back and leave a message and ask her to call you babe."

Alana called Danielle back,

"D I don't know what's going on but please, please come back home or at least call me and tell me where you are so I know you are OK. I love you Yelly." Alana cried.


Danielle had no idea where she was going, her tears were making her eyes blurry and the bourbon still in her system had made her mind foggy. She took the off ramp exit and brought the car to a stop in a deserted rest area.

"FUCK" She screamed as she bashed her fists against the steering wheel. "FUCK FUCK FUCK."

Danielle reached behind her and pulled a bottle of bourbon from her bag, she took a couple long swigs from the bottle and felt the warmth of the amber liquid coarse through her body, she started searching her car for a packet of cigarettes, but when she was unable to find any went back to sculling the bottle.

"How did he find us." Danielle wondered out loud, "Fuck it Alana why wouldn't you listen to me, how am I suppose to keep you safe now?"

She started going back over in her mind the night's events, she felt so hurt and confused when Alana refused to listen to her or trust her, OK so she hadn't given her baby sister much reason lately to trust her but Alana had never questioned her before whenever she had told Alana they needed to move. She knew she must have sounded so paranoid but she just couldn't bring herself to tell Alana the real reason they were in danger, she didn't know how to tell her baby sister about him.

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