Figure It Out

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Este and Dash both more to please their parents then themselves completed music degrees, after college they had again tried to focus on their band and put the feelers out for different people to audition, but Este never felt one hundred percent happy playing with strangers they had only just met, she always felt there was something missing but could never quite put her finger on what it was.

Eventually they settled on a young brother and sister Mark and Michelle who were 18 and 20 years old that played rhythm guitar and keyboard, and an older guy Billy Ray 39 on lead guitar and started rehearsals. The band didn't even last three weeks before everybody started disagreeing over what style of music should be played.

"Listen Dudes we need to stick to the solid seventies music, lots of guitar solos are what excite the crowds man." Billy Ray said,

"Maybe one or two songs yeah but they start sounding the same after a while, what we need is a good variety and best way is to put a techno spin on the old songs, you know revamp them and bring them into the 21st century DUDE."

Both guys continued to argue over what sound the band should be playing. Este was sick of hearing them bicker,

"Dash you want to say anything?" Este asked looking at Dash. He looked back at his sister with an amused expression on his face and just shrugged his shoulders.

"OK lets call it quits tonight guys, clearly we are not going to agree on anything right now." Este said as she rubbed her eyes, she could feel the beginnings of a headache and had, had enough of all the arguing.

"Same time Friday guys." Dash said as everyone started packing up their equipment.

Once everyone had packed up and left, Este decided she needed some quiet alone time,

"I'm going out for a drive Dashkin tell mom to save me a plate if I'm not back in time for dinner,"

"You want some company? I can always leave mom a note." Dash asked,

"Thanks Boo but not right now, I just need some me time ok." Dash smiled and walked up to his sister and gave her a much needed big hug.

"Alright Dash alright you can stop now, DASH you're squeezing the Este right out of me." She squealed, Dash laughed and after placing a kiss on top of Este's head he released her out of his bear hug,

"We'll talk later when you get back." Dash said as he sat down at his drum kit.


Este feeling very disheartened about the band drove around for about one hour just listening to the radio before deciding to go grab a coffee at her friend's café.

"Hi Mooshie," Este said as she sat down at a table,

"Whoa look what that cat dragged in, where's the smiling, laughing Fiesta I'm used to seeing?" Mooshie asked, Este shrugged her shoulders before dropping her head into her hands and gave a big sigh,

"OK this sounds serious, let me finish serving these folks and I'll get you your usual and we can talk." Mooshie told Este as she went off to finish serving, 

Ten minutes later the girls were in a deep conversation,

"I mean we can't even agree on what songs to play let alone even think about writing any, and Dash has been asking around but no one seems interested in booking any new bands, it's just I don't know just really fucking frustrating." Este sighed,

"You know what's needed is a place where new bands can come play, a place that has like set nights each week specifically for new bands,"

"Yeah that would be so fucking rad."

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