I'm Waiting For The Day To Dawn

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Este had been adopted by the Dutton's when she was just a baby. She grew up in a loving stable environment. Her parents had a biological son but were unable to have any more children and so decided on adopting a daughter.

Both Este and Dash her adoptive older brother loved music so much their parents enrolled them into a performing arts school, both played in the orchestra. Este played the cello whilst Dash the percussion.

Este lost count of the amount of concerts they performed in during their school years, yet she never forgot that feeling of excitement looking out into the crowd and finding her parents proud faces grinning back at her.

Mr and Mrs Hutton attended every single concert,  they were front and centre with their camera and video camera. Este always found it rather cheesy but looking back she knew that she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Having an older brother at school meant no one ever hassled Este, he even let Este and her friends hang out with the older crowd. She loved her brother dearly and he had been there for her whenever she had needed him. 

Dash was very protective of Este and always made sure he had her back, even though he knew she was very capable of sticking up for herself he just made it so that she never had to.

Their parents wanted them both to continue with their classical music and ultimately join the Los Angeles Philharmonic, but they were more into rock music and decided to form their own band with a couple of friends. Dash played the drums and Este swapped her cello for a bass.

Their parents had been disappointed that they no longer wanted to pursue classical music but had never stood in the way of their dreams. Once they realised their children were serious they went out and brought them new musical instruments.

For the last couple of years whilst at school Este and Dash played mostly small gigs for family and friends, their band even got to be the opening act at a couple of different venues around LA a few times. However for the most part the rest of their band-mates where only playing in the band as a hobby and eventually they ended up going off to college or leaving the band because of new jobs.

This meant the band performing got put on hold.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading, so sorry for taking so long to up-date story. 

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