#16 - Make up after first argument.

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You believed everything he said and felt sorry for him because of everything that the paparazzi put him through.

You didn't get a surprise party but you got your boyfriend back.



You were completely off your head from the vodka and you were still sat outside McDonald's. Such a classy gal. You had been repeatedly asked by the staff at McDonald's to leave or else they were going to ring the police. You thought they were just bluffing. But they weren't. After about two hours of you sat outside in the wet and cold the police showed. And the day just keeps getting better and better.

"Get off me, you're hurting me!" You screamed in the officer's face. The effects of alcohol had completely taken over your body and you couldn't control yourself.

"You're going to the local station to sober up, and we will ring someone to come and pick you up in a couple of hours." The tall, muscular officer said.

You started to have a paddy in the middle of the car park. Kicking, screaming, punching, shouting anything to release all your anger.

"Calm down." The officer said, as he held you against the floor and handcuffed you for your safety and his.

"I can't." You spat back in his face.

He gave you a sympathetic look but it didn't work. You were going to release your anger on him, even though he didn't care one bit.

"My boyfriends cheated on me with some size 6, twig, his fans are giving me hate because they don't like him having a girlfriend, I try and drink my sorrows away and I get arrested. Could much more go wrong?" You said. As you said it you started to calm down a little.

"Who's your boyfriend?" He asked.

"He's the bassist out the band The Vamps." You said like you didn't care but really you did miss him. Or was that the drink talking? Do you really miss him or was it a good thing that he cheated?

"My daughter is a big fan of The Vamps." He said with a little excitement.

"Ohh aren't they all!" You said with sarcasm.

You arrived at the station to sober up.

"Whatever you do don't call anyone until my head is completely straight and I have thought of someone suitable for you to ring." You said and the officer gave you a small nod.

A few hours passed and you felt almost sober. You heard a knock on your cell then the door opened.

"You've got a visitor." The officer that brought you in said.

Connor appeared around the corner and walked into your cell giving you a hug.

"Who told you I was here?" You asked.

"The officer rang me up and told me about you. He said you didn't want anyone to come." Connor said. He was right so you nodded.

The officer appeared around the corner.

"I rang my daughter up and asked her what she thought about you two, she said that you're a perfect couple and you shouldn't let anyone else's opinions get in the way. When she said that I rang Mr Ball up so that you two could try and sort things out. And here you are now." He said.

You mouthed the words thank you and the officer walked away leaving you and Connor to talk in your cell. Connor apologised for cheating and you apologised for getting arrested and you both made up with the help of the officer and his daughter.


You got in a taxi after chasing after Tristan. Tristan had previously got in a taxi and sped off down the road because he overreacted. You just wanted to see him and explain the misunderstanding.

You reached the apartment that you shared with the rest of the messy boys. Tristan wasn't there. You went up and got changed into some more suitable clothes. You got changed out of your dress and heels into your pyjamas and slippers. Then you went downstairs, sat on the sofa, stared into the blank screen of your phone and waited for Tristan to come home.

You heard a key turn in the door. You shot up off the sofa and stood in view of the door, when the door finally opened it was just Brad, Connor and James. They all saw that you had been crying and they all pulled you into a group hug. They all went up to bed and you stayed downstairs and waited up for Tristan.

It was now about four in the morning when you heard keys in the door once again. This time it revealed a very tired and upset Tristan. You sighed of relief when he walked through the door - at least you knew he was safe.

"Where did you go?" You asked him.

"I got a taxi to the sea front then I walked along the beach just thinking about things." He said.

"Listen we need to talk." You said and Tristan agreed.

"You overreacted in the club tonight." You said which made Tristan angry.

"I overreacted?" He questioned with his voice getting louder.

"Yeah you did, now keep it down Brad, Connor and James are asleep." You said.

"Please explain to me why I overreacted!" He said in a mocking tone.

"That guy I was talking to was my best friend in high school. I haven't seen him since my last day in year 11 and we were catching up with each other having a chat until you came and ruined it." You said.

"Ohh come on, it was so obvious you were flirting with him, I saw it with my own two eyes." He said.

"Why would I flirt with someone when I had a boyfriend. He isn't even straight anyway." You said. Tristan looked shocked.

"I didn't know I'm sorry. And what this about you had a boyfriend." He said.

"Well I thought when you ran off it was over between us." You said.

Tristan just laughed and pulled you into a hug. You spent the rest off the night cuddled up on the sofa together.


NEVER stay up all night texting friends then have school the next day. BAD IDEA.

Katie xxx

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