James Imagine.

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For: A_Lot_Of_Fandoms  (a.k.a Kaitlin)

Kaitlin's P.O.V

I love that hardly anyone in the world knows me. Thousands of people have seen me but they don't know a single thing about me.

I know The Vamps. I'm especially close to James. He's my Jemsy Boo. I stay with them while they're on tour quite a lot. I meet up with them a few times a month when they're away from home. The only thing is that I get very nervous and anxious around crowds of people, which is the only downside to being with them.

This time I was going meeting them in America! I'd decided that I was going to make into a little holiday because I'd travelled quite far to see them and it's not everyday that I get to go to America. I booked in to stay at all the same hotels as them so that I could spend as much time as possible with them and I was just so excited to see them after not seeing them all for a while.

We'd reached the hotel in Minnesota and went straight to our rooms to put down all our suitcases and things. Then we all met up again and decided that because it was early afternoon we had a lot of time to fill. So we headed out. There wasn't any screaming girls outside the hotel yet but that can all change in a matter of seconds.

We found somewhere that was quite busy and there was a lot going on. We found some different activities to do to keep us occupied.

A couple of hours later and we decided that it would be best for us to head back to the hotel. We were just around the corner from the hotel and we heard a lot of screaming girls. I started to get increasingly anxious and uncomfortable.

"Just go round the side of the hotel and wait over there - don't go inside because I don't know who's inside. Just wait for me out of sight over there and I'll be as quick as I can." James said.

I followed his orders and walked round the side of the hotel. I found a little gate that I went through and I waited for James. I could see him taking pictures, signing some things and having conversations with the girls.

He then walked over to me.

"Don't worry everything will be ok." He reassured me as he took hold of my hand.

We then waited for Brad, Connor and Tristan to finish talking to the girls. They came over to us and we walked into the hotel together, carrying on straight up to our rooms.


The next day James came running into my room and he showed me his phone. To say I was shocked was an understatement. He showed me a picture of Brad and a girl and me and James were in the background holding hands.

"It's all over Twitter and Instagram, I think it's time we tell them." He said.


I would have written more chapters tonight but this chapter decided to delete itself when I published it so I ended up having to re write it!! It was a lot longer before but I can't remember what I wrote so it's a lot shorter now.

Katie xxx

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