James Imagine.

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For: mcveys_smile (a.k.a Emma)

Emma's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains, the warm glow reminded me of waking up on holiday, the only difference was when I actually opened the curtains there wasn't a swimming pool or the sea in sight. I followed the sweet smelling aroma downstairs and found my boyfriend of three years frying some pancakes. That's what the sweet smell was.

Once the pancakes were finished I added honey to one, lemon and sugar to the second one and Nutella and strawberries to the third. Yeah I'm having three but both me and James have been working hard at the gym recently and we deserve a treat.

We had both finished the amazing breakfast that James had made. James just looked at me and didn't look away. For a long time.

"What?" I said getting creeped out slightly.

"Go and get dressed we're going out for a bit." He replied.

"Ohhhh where to?" I asked.

"It's a secret." He answered.

He always has to be awkward. How am I meant to know what to wear or what to take?

I got dressed and put a pair of leggings on with a white crop top and black leather jacket.

When I got back downstairs James looked a little stressed.

"What's wrong James?" I asked sympathetically.

"Nothing, just get in the car quick or else we'll be late." He said before locking the door after we had both got out.

After twenty minutes of driving we arrived at somewhere familiar which took me by surprise a little bit.

"James... Why are we at the airport?" I questioned.

"Because I'm taking you on holiday." He said with a little sigh of relief at the end.

"But James I don't have any clothes!" I shouted.

"Emma, Emma. EMMA! Calm down I've already packed you some things, the suitcases are in the boot and if I've forgotten anything I'll buy it you when we get there. Ok?" He said.

"Fine. But where are we going?" I questioned once again.

"Australia for 10 days." He replied.

"You didn't think to tell me that you were going to take me across the world to Australia?!?!?!?"  I shouted.

"It was meant to be a surprise. I've payed for first class seats on the flight with extra champagne and chocolate, and then when we get there it's a 5 star hotel where we can just relax and spend time together without thinking of anything or anyone else!" He spoke.

It was quite thoughtful of him to plan something so big like this without telling me but he could have at least told me to pack some clothes.

"Thank you." I said and kissed the end of his nose.


Sorry it took so long!

Katie xxx

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