Tristan Imagine.

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For: Frozenvamps  (a.k.a Liv)

Liv's P.O.V

I'd decided to tell Tristan before he found out the hard way. Our relationship had been built on trust and honesty so I wasn't going to ruin that now - even if I do in another way. I walked in from a good night out with my friends. Tristan had stayed in because he was tired and didn't want to intrude but I really wish he had come with us.

When I got to our bedroom he was asleep wrapped up in the duvet. I didn't want to wake him because he looked so calm and peaceful. And I definitely didn't want to wake him and throw a whirlwind in his face like I was going to.

I gently shook his bare shoulder with my cold hands which startled him.

"I need to talk to you." I said to him.

"Just get in bed, you're probably drunk and just need to sleep it off." He replied.

The thing was... I was drunk and that's what has gotten me into this mess that I'm in. I'm sober enough to try and sort it out though.

"No Tris, I'm being serious. I really need to talk to you." I said again.

This time he sat up and turned the lamp on at the side of him.

"What is it?" He said. He looked really sleepy and tired - it was four in the morning.

"I just wanted to be honest with you before you find out another way... I was caught by cameras kissing a guy outside of a club. I promise it didn't mean anything and you're the man for me. It's just I wanted to tell you before you saw it in magazines and newspapers tomorrow. I swear it didn't mean a single thing. I love you. I was drunk. It was a drunken mistake. I know I don't seem it now but I was really drunk. After it... That... Happened all my friends poured coffee down my neck to make me realise what I'd done. Tristan, believe me please... That was the worst thing I've done in my life and I am so so so sorry." I said, tears streamed down my face and onto my top.

He didn't say anything. He just sat there, completely still and completely silent.

All of a sudden he got up, got a hoodie and a pair of shoes and left.

"Tristan don't leave me, I love you!" I screamed after him.

With nothing more to do I got into bed where it was warm from when Tristan was lay there and fell asleep. I didn't bother to take my clothes off because I was a mess. I cried myself to sleep...

I woke up the next morning and rolled over. Tristan? Tristan.

He was there... Asleep right next to me. Was everything that happened just a dream? I checked my phone which proved that it wasn't a dream. The picture of last night was there. Everywhere.

"Tris... What are you doing?" I asked gingerly.

"Listen... Just forget about everything that happened last night... We'll get through it. Don't worry." He said.

"I love you." I replied.


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